Monday, January 16, 2012

The Healer

When we got Kai's blessing on the beach around his 6-month birthday last April, the minister we had chosen looked at Kai and said to me, "Oh, I think we have an old healer in our midst".  I don't know if she was noticing the serenity he brought to me or something more, but in one or more senses, she was correct.  While Kai has healed me within in many ways, and that is crucial to healing physical illnesses as well, there are many other healthful healing tricks I've picked up along my journey, and hope to find many many more.

Since we are smack in the middle of sick season, germs are flying about everywhere! A lot of things I do nutrition-wise are meant to prevent illnesses, and following a healthy lifestyle while loading yourself with antioxidants through healthy foods will help to do just that!  But, as you know, nothing's foolproof.  We are bound to be hit with a bug here and there, especially when around school children or busy workplaces where hands go unwashed more than we'd like to imagine-yuck!  Many "remedies" below are also preventative measures-beat the illness before it gets you!  Luckily, they also help enormously, if you are trying to heal.  Be sure to click any highlighted words for fabulous articles taking you in depth of the topic at hand.

I've compiled a mental list over the years of things that I like to do when illnesses do rear their ugly heads... besides hug my Kai, of course!  It's all too soon that our society rushes out to get on that antibiotic doctors are way too willing to give away.  In the long run, this may give you peace of mind, but most illnesses are viral, and won't be touched by these meds that will ultimately destroy your immune system and build an immunity towards the antibiotics, which won't work properly if the time comes when you actually need them.  They also destroy all the "good" bacteria within you, which is why doctors recommend some sugar-packed yogurt to get some probiotics in your system when on antiobiotics, in hopes to preserve your immune system (this also ties into the the great vaccine debate-a topic I MAY tackle in the future-it's a biggie!-not to mention extremely controversial).  There are better ways to get your healthy bacteria (probiotic pills & powders, raw dairy, etc), but some yogurts in moderation are just fine-especially Kefir or a little Greek!

#1:  First and foremost, I am a huge believer in Vitamin D (preferably sunshine, not supplement form).  People would like to think that tanning beds or popping pills gets you the same effect, but it DOES NOT, and neither is the safest way.  Hold on, safe sun?? Isn't that an oxymoron?? Well, no, it's not.  While I'm not advocating basking in the sun day in and day out without protection, and I do very much recognize the risk of skin cancer (especially with fair skin), there is a standard recommendation of the amount of sunlight we SHOULD be getting daily.  I've read approximately 20 minutes or so (again, will differ depending on the amount your skin can handle) of unprotected sun daily is an adequate amount-after that, lathering up with sunscreen (more on safest sunscreens to come-most have dangerous chemicals that can be easily absorbed through the skin), wearing your favorite sun hat, or plopping under a large umbrella will work!  Kids, especially, need the sunshine, and not just in the summers!  Vitamin D has so so so many benefits, even known by some as a cancer preventer and fighter.  

#2:  Another huge healer is getting rid of the stress!!!  Yes, really.  Stress can wreak havoc on your physical health-just another reason I wanted to really make it a priority this year.  You can get rid of stress in many ways-doing things you enjoy, meditating, cleaning your closet of unhealthy people in your life, or making yourself a quiet hot bath.  Another way is exercise!  Any cardio helps to "clear the mind" and raise the mood (boosts Seratonin levels), but you are also sweating out toxins-which is a plus when you're feeling under the weather.  Of course, if you're sick enough, you need to take it easy and will enjoy suggestion #3:)  Yoga is another great way to workout and de-stress simultaneously.  Less stress promotes healing-you can get physically drained from stress in your life (trust me;)!

#3:  This may be the opposite of exercise, but you can squeeze both in:  REST!!!  Your body most likely will need extra time to recuperate, meaning working extra hours or pushing yourself to party aren't gonna fly.  It's best to take advantage of any spare time with resting-rest time is when our body heals!  That is why good nights of sleep are important for us all the time-not only when sick.

#4:  Herbal and natural supplements can be lifesavers.  If you'd like to try the holistic approach before going on any strong meds, there are a variety of natural remedies-some of which have been around for centuries.  I'd again like to advocate organic herbal teas to address your issues with herbs-I just enjoy this more than the pill form, but to each his (or her!) own.  They also take the guess-work out of it by calling the tea exactly what it's addressing, for example:  Sore Throat Tea or Respiratory Tea-can't go wrong with that!!  But, if pregnant or nursing, I would not recommend any of these.  While not an herb, Zinc, is a great mineral known for reducing the severity and length of colds-it's found in many over-the-counter supplements. 

#5:  Finally-EAT THOSE NUTRIENTS!!  Antioxidants may be great for preventing illnesses, but they are also superb in getting you healthy after the fact-think lots of raw fruits and veggies-fresh juice made at home or in a health store, and one of my favorite healers:  classic chicken soup (hold the noodles) aka bone broth!  Check out the recipe I use from one of my favorite blogs, Gluten Free Jersey Girl-it's delicious, packed with nutrients our bodies need to fight illnesses, and I have some really fabulous recipes I use with all the goodies you get from it-coming soon!

Thanks so much for reading and be well!  Post any natural remedies you live by below-Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;) AND WASH THOSE HANDS!!

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