Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Easy Come, Easy Go-3 Simple Rules to Lose the Lbs

As I move forward, I cannot wait to get into more detailed recipes, workout regimens, lifestyle choices, etc!!  But for now, I'd love to share some basic tips and tools and outline some things that I do that have worked without leaving me hungry or deprived-I've been asked to share some tips lately, so here they are!

If you're like me, the holidays were ATROCIOUSLY rich, decadent, and sinfully delightful.  Our holidays started back in September and increasingly got more ridic throughout the months, peaking in December!! To top it off, since we live so far from our families these days, we stayed at our parents' homes during most of these holidays-which was amazing-BUT what an excuse to let our Mamas feed us huge meals, visit friends for food & drinks, bake some cookies and cupcakes with our sisters, and pop that champagne for the new year!  We did all of the above, and we did it well.  Now, I'd like to think this was a "deserved reward" after being so dedicated to a healthful lifestyle, cooking almost daily, and working out a good amount; but, after a few months of this nonsense, my body was not happy!!  Not to mention the guilt.  Even in pics, I saw the weight gain in my face and belly-when you're short, a little bit is noticeable quickly-esp to yourself:) I learned that for next time, take it in moderation-indulge, yes, but still stick to some sort of plan in the back of your mind!!  I had gained 10 pounds in 3 months-so unnatural!

Luckily, once back in our own home, in a warmer climate, with fresh yoga DVD's, sneakers, and sports bras, I was immediately excited to get to that food store and buy all of our clean foods again-and that I did.  Not cheap, but beyond worth it, and makes cooking super fun.  My body responded immediately-I'm talkin' a pound a day for the first 5 days as if it was saying, "this layer was NOT meant to be on you!".  It wasn't hard, my energy was up, and I was proud of myself.  Rule #1 is stocking your fridge and cabinets with fresh, healthy, living (or once living!) foods-don't buy snacks that are tempting "for an occasion" unless an occasion actually arises-if you're like me, they won't last a day.

I also dedicated nearly every day to yoga and the elliptical (2 exercises that are great for my neck pain), even while the house remained in disarray as soon as the baby went down for his first nap.  I knew if I didn't do it first thing, and make it my top priority, it wouldn't happen between baby time, house work, my part-time job, errands, and appointments.  So, rule #2 is make that workout a PRIORITY, have a plan and a goal, or it most likely won't happen-even if it's a daily walk (my pregnancy fave last year:).  I already feel stronger from my yoga, and my practice has gotten better in a week!  The same is true for any exercise you begin.

As for diet, I mentioned in my previous post, that it's important to lay off the carbs-no not some freaky Atkins Diet where you should run out and buy a Big Mac-hold the bun!  Slowly take away white (or any) bread, potatoes, pasta from your dinners-up the healthy fats (some cheese, olive oil, etc), protein, and veggies you enjoy-yes use a little butter if it helps!  This small change alone will start to change your body, and the way you look at meals.  When out to eat, decline the bread basket, don't eat the croutons on the salads, no crackers for your soup!  The meals themselves already have more carbs and sugar than you might guess, and our body simply was not designed for this crap.  For lunches, go for salads over sandwiches or wraps-the protein will fill you without making you feel too full.  For breakfasts, I have my 2 eggs every morning with a side of fruit-the fruit is your carb-no starches needed.  For those of you that are marathon runners and need more than what I'm suggesting, go for whole grains or starches made with flax or are high in fiber!  Treat yourself to something SMALL on the weekends-something to look forward to throughout the week!!  Deprivation will not work-if your body is struggling with these changes, ease yourself into it-the last thing you want is to be starving and then go and binge.  Been there, done that.  The temporary relief ends in major guilt, and you don't want to give up on yourself!  Also, after about 72 hours of detoxing yourself from sugar, your body adjusts and physically doesn't crave them anymore (much like caffeine and alcohol). Rule #3 is carbs are sugar-bottom line-if you want a healthy blood sugar level, boosted energy, excess weight off, and your body to age much less quickly, you will keep your carbs down.  For you numbers people, try under 20g for snacks, under 50g for meals, and no more than 100g per day.  This has proven to be much more effective than counting calories.  Research, doctors/nutritionists I follow, and recipes to come! Stay chic, stay healthy;)

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