Sunday, October 21, 2012

Powerful Pumpkin

HAPPY OCTOBER!!!  With all the excitement of the season, I completely bypassed my busy birthday/anniversary/season-changing love of September on here, but October is fast becoming a new favorite month.  I've always loved me some (non-spooky:) Halloween festivities, my now TWO-year-old son claims this month, and while currently living in the south, October is bringing some beautiful transitional weather... bye-bye  humidity!

Also with this month comes some deliciousness in all that is pumpkin-HEALTHY pumpkin-hello Vitamin A!  We've tackled pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin cupcakes, pumpkin cookies, and today:  pumpkin SEEDS!  A few problems lie with most stated above:  1. carbs 2. sugar 3. artificial ingredients (all of which can be modified and changed!).  I stuck with original recipes for the pancakes and cupcakes (using only organic ingredients), since one was a treat for my son's birthday morning, and the other served an expectant crowd I wanted to please-didn't want to take any granola-head chances at my son's party!  They were both hits, but due to my blood sugar issues and general health concerns I definitely had to limit the intake.  As for the cookies, they were the premade, precut version that were super cute and super yummy but goodness knows the preservatives and chemicals added PLUS the fact that a few left me feeling sick.  Again, playing around with recipes I found online, I could create a mean pumpkin muffin subbing or adding stevia, xylitol, apple sauce, almond or coconut flour, ground chia or flax etc etc-the sky is truly the limit!

One item mentioned above, however, needs no subbing, modifying, or limiting... beautiful, lovely, yummy, sweet or savory... PUMPKIN SEEDS!  These little gems straight from the pumpkins you're carving are loaded with health benefits, from a powerful punch of antioxidants to having cancer-prevention properties to being loaded with fiber and minerals you probably aren't getting enough of on a daily basis.  Make them sweet, savory, eat solo, or add them to a variety of foods-salads, desserts, dinners!

The best part about these is that they're just so darn easy to make.  I do the following after rinsing the seeds thoroughly in a strainer (to get rid of the pulp):

  • Preheat the oven to 325
  • Lay clean seeds out on sprayed cookie sheet or foil
  • Coat with light dusting of spray, oil, or a little butter (optional)
  • Top with your choice of sea salt, cinnamon, sweetener etc (I did half and half)
  • Bake for approximately 30 minutes or until they're a light golden brown-you want them a little crisp

ENJOY!  This is just the beginning of a fabulous season and wonderful holidays for all denominations to share... Thanks for reading!  Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Super Cider Salad

I recently reached out asking for salad recipes (and got some great ideas!).  But to start, I created a recipe based on my own tastes and salads I've had at parties.  It took a little playing, but this particular salad is a winner-as a lunch, as a dinner (optional chicken can be added!), or as a party side-super easy and very tasty.

As some of you may know, I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes last pregnancy (despite eating healthfully, exercising, and little weight gain), and later found out that I continued to have issues with my blood sugar which means it's just a part of me I have to live with.  This pregnancy, I was lenient with my carbs to help my ridiculous nausea during the first trimester, but now that I'm in my 2nd trimester and testing my blood sugar again, I'm back to being super careful and on the ball!  I was having high fasting readings but my numbers were fine after meals (unless I indulged just a tad too much in carbs or ate dinner too late).  I'm happy to say that I've gotten the fasting numbers under control as of this week by eating small frequent low carb and high protein meals often throughout the day, and started some low impact exercise again.  While it's an annoying worry, it's a blessing in disguise because I'm once again forced to be at my healthiest for myself and for baby.

This salad is healthy for everyone-those struggling with any health issues AND those that just want a yummy healthful meal!  It has veggies, protein, some healthy fat, and other goodies that are great health boosts.  I chose all organic ingredients-found between the conventional food store and health store-and I always encourage organic ingredients when you can, but it's definitely not necessary.  As always, please remember that I would love for you to make this your OWN.  Play around with fruit, meat, spices, and veggies to please your own tastes and appetite!

**I was weary of the raw Apple Cider Vinegar during pregnancy, but confirmed that it is most likely safe during pregnancy AND has a myriad of health benefits; from lowering blood sugar to helping with nausea to relieving heartburn-all of which I've been joyfully experiencing;)  If you're expecting and uncomfortable with it, though, stick with the regular (not raw) version or another vinegar altogether, and always speak with your own health care practitioner before eating anything new or questionable.**

Super Cider Salad

Ingredients & Steps (serves 1-2, double for party side or dinner)

  • Handful of washed spinach leaves (for its health benefits)
  • Chopped washed heart of romaine lettuce (for that crunchy texture)
  • Handful of grapes cut in half (give 'em a good squeeze to release some juice)
  • 1/2 cup nuts of your choice (preferably raw mixed nuts but they sky's the limit!)
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries
  • Eyeball drizzles of both canola (or olive) oil and apple cider vinegar around the bowl depending on salad size-they should be about equal in amounts and leave the salad pretty wet
  • Generously sprinkle with cinnamon (for the sweetness and blood sugar lowering properties!)
  • Optional pinches of salt, black pepper, and sugar
  • Toss all ingredients in a large salad bowl and serve!  

Great as leftovers too... so easy!  A little salty, a little sweet, and super healthy.  Again, add some chicken to make it heartier with even more protein or change up the fruit (apples would be superb as well!).  Serve with a side of apple straws to make a nice yummy presentation and get a few carbs in-enjoy and as always, Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Life, Loss... Healing and Hope

Hey Chic Health nuts!  Today's post goes a bit deeper than the usual light, fun, fluffy recipe and health posts; but it's been a long time coming and I'm looking forward to a fresh start and GREAT things to come... and, as I stated in my very first post, if I can help ONE person (even if that person is me!), it's worth it to open up and share whatever we're comfortable sharing:).  My goal for this post is to inspire those with fertility struggles, encourage those who have been through losses, and know that no matter what difficulties you're encountering, there is always light at the end of the tunnel and time truly can heal all.  In fact, a few of you have recently messaged me regarding your losses, and that inspires me to share this even more...

Some of you may have read about my struggles in my fertility post that included struggling to get pregnant with Kai and many tests with some medication to follow.  We fell into the same spot trying for baby 2 as well.  We started earlier than we should with the mindset that it would take awhile and most likely wouldn't happen naturally anyway.  We were right in our assumption, and again were prescribed medication.  Since I currently choose to take NO other medications in my life, I was hesitant, but decided it was our best option.  While it didn't happen the first month on the meds as it did with Kai, it took 2 months, and needless to say we were still ecstatic.  Sadly, 6 weeks to the day into the pregnancy we lost that baby.  It wasn't just any loss (not to compare losses, as ANY loss-whether it be at 4 weeks or 20 weeks-is a loss that needs to be dealt with and grieved in a way that's right for you), but what I mean is that it was a ruptured ectopic that nearly took my life.  It was a scary time, and the trauma of the situation trumped the loss (in that moment), of which I later had to deal with as well.  Long story short, both my tubes were preserved (very rare in this surgery), and 4 months later I was SHOCKED to see a positive pregnancy test.   I also am very excited to share the fact that this was our first naturally conceived pregnancy (and that I'm due one day before the one year anniversary of our loss).  I waited out the 3 months they suggested and decided to focus on my healing and health in the meantime through chiropractic and acupuncture treatments, which I now swear by.  Apparently the natural rebalancing was all I needed from the get go.  I'm sharing this today because I'm open to discussing this with anyone who has had similar struggles, with anyone who suspects an ectopic pregnancy, and that there are happy endings after dark times.

Not to get into too many details, I'd still like to share my symptoms and experience that night in case anyone reading this EVER experiences this (hopefully not), as it is life threatening if the ectopic ruptures.  I was shocked to hear that this happens in 1 in 25 pregnancies and later saddened to learn that an early ultrasound could prevent all this, since ectopics can be treated with medication before rupturing occurs.

pregnancy 2
i didn't think i'd want to look at this again,
but i realize now that no one can
ever take away this happy moment from us even
though it turned out differently than we'd hoped
Again, I was gleeful and thinking positively with this pregnancy 6 weeks in; from names to registry peeking.  I thought:  Sure I have fears, but if I think positively good things will come, right???  It was a sweet notion and I don't discount the power of positive thinking and prayer, but it also can't protect us from everything.  I also believe, though, that everything truly happens for a reason.  During that pregnancy, I was fatigued but not very nauseous, as the pregnancy hormone rises much slower with an ectopic.  I had just written my Why We Go Organic blog post and had started doing some floor exercises with the Tracy Anderson Method.  I felt a sharp pain in the abdomen and immediately thought of a muscle strain so I stopped working out.  The pain, though, didn't subside and progressively got worse.  I recalled a similar pain earlier in the week in the middle of the night that went away within the hour that I had chalked up to gas pains (even though I had never experienced this pain, I just blamed it on the new pregnancy feelings).  During that panic moment in the night, though, I did google my symptoms and something stuck out from what I saw along the lines of:  Do NOT ignore what may feel like an extreme gas pain or abdomen cramping during pregnancy as it may be a ruptured ectopic that could cause blood loss, shock, and eventually death.  Now, I'm all for googling your symptoms if it will enlighten you and aide you in speaking with your doctor or choosing a healthier lifestyle, but not if it will make you panic and obsessive about your symptoms.  In this case, I feel it may have saved my life.  Because that one little sentence was stuck in my head, I felt I knew what the worse case scenario was and that I should treat it as an emergency if the pain didn't subside.  I called my husband at exactly the right time because he was able to come home and teach his class from here in case I truly needed him.  Thank goodness he did because I may not have had 3 hours left, as the doctors later told me.  By the time he got home I was weak, white as a sheet, freezing, and my toddler was climbing all over me on the couch (blissfully unaware that Mommy was sick).  My body was losing blood and I was going into shock; my attempt to dial 911 was even a failure.  Within minutes, we got it together and rushed to the hospital and I fainted upon entering.  I didn't physically see any blood loss coming from me, so I still prayed this was a "gas and panic attack moment" and that everything with the baby was fine.  More so, though, the fear of anything happening to ME when I was already a mom to my beloved son was scarier.  After consults with ER nurses and doctors, I eventually got an ultrasound that showed nothing in my uterus and a mass in my abdomen.  This of course was the ruptured ectopic (when a fertilized egg implants anywhere outside of the uterus and ruptures).  I then met with the surgeon through my OB office who was on call that night.  When I heard his name, Dr. Joseph, I immediately thought of a friend referring to him as "the best" when we moved here 2 years prior.  This put me at ease and I felt I was in great hands, as his bedside manner and knowledge was impeccable.  Unfortunately, we had to break the news to our parents that we were both pregnant AND I was undergoing immediate surgery all in the same breath, as we were planning on surprising them in 2 weeks with a visit home up north (needless to say, I told my mom immediately about my pregnancy this time around just in case).  Before surgery, the doctor gave me the worst possible outcomes, including losing one or more tubes and possibly needing a blood transfusion.  I squeezed my baby boy's hand (in the stroller now getting sleepy and happily showing off his kicks to the nurses), and was simply ready to get this done and move on.  If I had dwelled, I would've been very scared.  The laparoscopy went well.  In fact, while most cases lose at least one tube, I was told that both of mine were preserved due to the rare fact that the fertilized egg fell out of the tube at some point.  I was also informed that despite them having to remove a liter of blood from my belly, I didn't need a transfusion.  All in all, best case scenario for a horrible situation.  I was tucked in bed by 1am that evening (after still tending to a confused overtired son who needed some mommy love that I was grateful to do even though I was in pain).

heaven captured
It took a couple of days to get over the trauma part, longer to ever think about conceiving a child again, and of course the loss hit me like a ton of bricks during my follow-up visit.  Looking at my son's "Big Bro" tees and receiving week by week pregnancy emails after the fact was a kick in the gut.  Later that week, though, I found solace in a beautifully clear crisp night while walking my son (I forced myself, and was grateful I did).  I was venting to a best friend back home for the first time about it, and I just felt at peace.  Our girl name actually meant "Spring bird"... I can't tell you how many Spring birds surrounded us on that walk.  It was in this moment and later others that I slowly stopped being angry and stopped questioning: Why???  Why couldn't this little soul join our family?  Why can't I meet my child?  I started to realize that the little one was still with us in spirit (my personal belief, anyway), and that even though they didn't join us in the physical sense, that they'll always be with us and we will meet them someday.  Call it rationalizing to get through, call it a gut feeling, but I believe she's watching over us every day.  In fact, from conception with our 3rd (and healthy!!) pregnancy, double rainbows have been following us around-from state to state, in pictures and in songs... One bright, one dim.  I can't help but feel that it's both babies with us.  I feel so blessed and appreciative of what we have right now.  I can't grasp losses... or why they happen to anyone, but I do see that both wonderful and difficult things happen in life that we can't control, and that life does go on.  Of course my female friends and family were the best to turn to, as most men have difficulty in comprehending the emotional aspect of this.  The trauma and almost losing me scared the daylights out of my husband, but as soon as I was healed, his life went on as normal, although I wonder if it was a coping method for him.  But really I think until he saw a growing belly, a heartbeat, and eventually a little baby in the flesh, it was difficult to think of this as more than a baby-to-be.  Maternal instincts are such a beautiful truth.  Communication was key and we got through it, making us stronger as a family in the long run.

Well, so much for not sharing too much!  That was therapeutic to say the least, so I thank you for listening if you made it through:)  Again, sometimes talking about it (when you're ready-I sure wasn't at first), helps more than you'd think.  I'm so grateful that I came to peace with this though BEFORE I was pregnant again, so that I was emotionally ready and not replacing or hiding one emotion for another.  Moments still certainly hit me and I long for that child to be with us, but it wasn't meant to be; not in this life anyway.

This current miracle was our first "easy" and natural pregnancy out of nowhere!  Seeing the positive line was such a pleasant shock.  I was also quite nervous but 2 early ultrasounds put me at ease.  We had planned on a natural laid back approach through the summer then looking into medical interventions again this fall-so grateful that wasn't needed!  I also personally question if messing with my hormones in the first place could've raised the chances of an ectopic.  I pray that I'll never have struggles again.  The only changes I made were both chiropractic and acupuncture treatments, which have similar goals.  Needless to say, every sick day I experience with this pregnancy (while difficult!) is a blessing.

I promise, MUCH lighter posts to come!  Stay Positive!!!  And as always, Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Make-It-Your-Own Banana Blueberry Bread

Whew, it's been awhile!!  Before I get into some deeper topics this month, I'd love to share an amazing recipe I made with my son this morning.  While bread and the starchy stuff aren't huge staples in our household (click here for why!), who can resist a rainy day treat like a loaf of bread filled with lots of goodness?!  Plus, making food like this from scratch saves you all of the preservatives and fillers you'd find in store-bought products.

A few years ago, my sweet cousins gifted us with the BabyCakes healthy baking cookbook.  Little did I know that BabyCakes is a Manhattan bakery with a huge celebrity following-how fun!  What makes this bakery unique is its "vegan, (mostly) gluten-free, and (mostly) sugar-free recipes".  They take the guesswork out of making healthy substitutions in traditional recipes for those of us with food allergies, certain lifestyles, or general health concerns.  I utilized a recipe in this cookbook and made it my own-you can too in varying ways!  My recipe is loosely adapted from their vegan, GF, SF, Blueberry Muffin recipe.  I ended up adding gluten to mine with some whole wheat flour, but the sky's the limit-Enjoy!

MIYO Banana Blueberry Bread, 1 Loaf or 12 Muffins


  • 2 1/4 cups whole wheat flour (sub whole spelt flour for GF)
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 2/3 cup agave nectar (choose raw "blue" agave for the least processed)
  • 2/3 cup coconut milk (or rice milk)
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon pure lemon extract (optional, I omitted) 
  • 2/3 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1 ripe banana, mashed or sliced


  1. Preheat oven to 325
  2. Spray a baking loaf pan (or line muffin tins if you wish)
  3. In a medium bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients
  4. Add the oil, nectar, milk, and vanilla to the dry ingredients until batter is smooth
  5. Fold in the blueberries and banana (or fruit of your choice)
  6. Fill the loaf pan or muffin tins 
  7. Bake the loaf for 25-30 minutes, rotating half-way through cooking, or bake the muffins for 22-25 minutes, rotating after 15 minutes of baking (toothpick should come out clean)
  8. Let the bread cool or the muffins stand for 15 minutes then transfer to a wire rack or plate to cool completely
  9. Sprinkle with cinnamon and enjoy!

What I love about this recipe is its simplicity.  I whipped these up in mere minutes, even with a 21-month-old "helper"!  I always warn against buying sugar-free items, as they may have harmful chemicals as sugar substitutions in them, but using raw agave is a nice way to keep it sweet and wholesome at the same time.  Like honey, and unlike sugar, it sweetens without skyrocketing your blood sugar at a rapid pace.   Coconut oil is always a healthy option, and not having to use any dairy was a nice treat (and better on our tummies).  Any fruit is an option as well.  My son keeps coming back for more-better hide the loaf!

Thanks for reading!  Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Healthy Hibachi!

We have a family favorite meal we enjoy sharing out... an indulgence of sorts, and always a fun time:  Hibachi!!!  It's yummy, fun, and oh so filling.  However, to preserve our wallets and our waistlines, this isn't a daily outing:)  I was recently searching the fridge and cabinets for some dinner contents when I spied loads of fresh veggies, an organic soy sauce, chicken breasts, and a bag of quinoa.  My immediate thought was some sort of stir fry (which hibachi basically is when you think about it).  The words health and hibachi don't usually go together with the piles of rice and goodness-knows-what oils that are used, but with a few key substitutions, you will have a MUCH healthier and fresher version that is still yummy!!  It was a first, so I was playing as I went, and I have some more ideas for the next time around which I'll share.  Oh, and please don't be surprised by the butter and oils-remember some healthy fats go a long way, and I truly believe it's the unhealthy carbs that are detrimental to our health!

First to lay out the easy substitutions:

  • Sub the high protein carb quinoa for the fried rice 
  • Sub healthy oils with benefits (coconut, olive, canola) for the loads of butter and oil they use
  • Sub fresh organic ingredients for any or all if possible

I've listed ingredients I've chosen below, but as with all recipes I create or post on here, please make this your own-based on taste and/or dietary needs-there's always a way to customize meals to fit you and your family!!  This can easily be dairy-free, gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan, or all of the above!  

  • 2T healthy oil (coconut is best!!, olive, canola)
  • 1-2T of diced garlic
  • 1T butter (optional)
  • A few generous shakes of soy sauce (preferably organic and non-GMO; here's my fave)
  • 1c cooked quinoa
  • Meat or meat sub. of your choice (optional)-the sky's the limit!! seafood, poultry, red meat, etc... (you can always use something soy-based such as tofu, but I'm not a huge soy advocate-read why here!)
  • Loads and loads (aka large stir-frying pan or wok-full) of veggies (preferably fresh); we opted for what we already had-broccoli, yellow squash, kale, and yellow onion

  1. Get the quinoa cooking before you start the rest:  1 cup of quinoa to 1 cup of water in a medium pot, bring to a boil then lower to a simmer and cover for about 20 minutes
  2. Depending on what meat you have (if any), get that started as well; I actually cooked our chicken breasts in the oven first to ensure they were nearly cooked through by the time the stir-frying occurred; if you have shrimp or steak, I'd sauté that right up separately in a pan with some of your oil and/or butter
  3. Throw your oil and a touch of butter if you wish in a large pan of some sort over medium heat
  4. Add all of your washed and cut veggies to the mix, stirring often, and adding the garlic once they start to soften or brown
  5. Add the meat to the veggies once cooked nearly or all through and add a couple of generous shakes of your soy sauce
  6. Fluff your quinoa with a fork once done (add the rest of the butter if you wish) and add the quinoa right to the pan with the rest
  7. Stir it all together on medium heat, adding some more soy sauce to taste, or oil/butter for consistency based on your preference, until all is heated through
  8. Serve to the whole family and enjoy!
Pointers for next time:  I loved this meal!  We all enjoyed it and you felt satisfied thanks to the nice balance of protein and carbs, but not greasy or overly filled as we do when we leave a hibachi restaurant.  Next time around, I would attempt more of a "fried quinoa" much like they do with the fried rice-using egg and sautéing it with some healthy oil and butter-just for fun... and taste!  I would also love to make an amazing dipping sauce of the ginger variety or that fabulous creamy peach goodness they give you-in a healthy way of course!  Share ideas if you have some and I'll update if I do either of these tasks successfully!

Thanks so much for reading!  Happy healthy hibachi cooking and Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Awesome Acu

me NOT pictured;)
Acupuncture.  With it comes both revered AND skeptic associations:  hoax, miracle-worker, or just a nice complement to conventional medicine.  I can't say that I fell into any of these categories prior to trying it myself.  I had heard about it here and there in the past, most of which was from trusted friends that felt the need to utilize it for one need or another.  I had heard of its benefits-from chronic pain to fertility to weight loss.  My interest was piqued, however the main obstacle for me was the cost.  With private acupuncture appointments costing between $75 and $200 per session, I was out of luck-heck, my copays alone on our new insurance down here are nearly that!  It's a struggle just to cover our necessary medical expenses, let alone anything extra I may want to venture towards.

I will say that a couple of years back, while living outside of Pittsburgh, I did find an affordable "deal" within an office that claimed to provide physical therapy and chiropractic services-and an acupuncturist to boot!  After meeting with them, it was clear that they were full of something other than goodness (insert your own 4-letter word here:), however they let me try their acupuncturist for a very low price, and bless her heart, she was an amazing Chinese acupuncturist clearly dedicated to her profession, but had fallen into a very very bad setting without realizing it.  Because it was her offering the service, and not the shady people who ran the joint (only me, I swear), I took the offer.  Besides the cold and bright setting (not her fault), it was an OK experience... pretty painless and short-lived, and when I left... I saw the strangest thing.  The brow furrow, my most self-conscious of facial features that ages me about 10 years, had nearly vanished (the first thing I look to after a good facial-why not acu??).  Also, half-way through the drive home I realized how dopily relaxed I was... coincidence??  No way, not if you know how non-relaxed of a person I am!  I took note, but never looked back-didn't want to deal with those people again and kind of pushed it all out of my brain!

Fast-forward to living in Wilmington, NC, and I had a friend who saw a private acupuncturist here-she tried a granola-head from Cali (my words, not hers) who studied it, and a true blue Chinese acupuncturist-she preferred the true blue.  Again, I took note, but couldn't afford it with a baby on the way (and probably wouldn't be brave enough to try while preg, nor was it on my to do list with a preemie feeding every hour:), so again it was pushed back.  

Finally, one day the stars aligned and I saw on a very trusted friend and fitness expert's Facebook page that she was promoting community acupuncture down here.  Upon looking into it, I found a nice site and was very pleasantly surprised by what I read.  An acupuncturist (all-American gasp!) ran a community service, meaning he services more than one client at a time, but for a very affordable price-on a sliding scale from $20-$40 based on what you can afford.  The location is about 30 minutes from home, so my biggest challenge was finding a time around my husband's schedule to get there and RELAX.  I had my hesitations (other people in the room?? an hour of travel for this??), but loved his explanation (besides the lower cost) of why he uses the community setting-more or less informing us that the traditional Asian acupuncture IS usually done in this way (and while he doesn't say so-he'd never even hint at this, way too polite), is not usually done in the money-hungry private American way:).  

Also, around this time, I was getting both public and private feedback on my fertility blog post... quite a few young ladies were both praising and intrigued by my acupuncture suggestion.  To fill you in, I had fertility struggles pre-Kai and now am post-Kai trying for baby 2, but I had never used acu as a boost.  After researching for my post, though, I found it was mentioned multiple times-and I am always for a holistic alternative!  Once posted, I got feedback from girls that have tried it and were successful in their pregnancy efforts within mere months-I was so happy for them, AND so happy to have another reason to try this out myself!  Yes, mind over matter, sure... but you can't argue with something that works for that many people-it's not always the placebo effect, folks.

So, I finally found a time in my life when I was ready to try it.  I set up my appointment online (easy peasy), and went on a Saturday at naptime (EASY PEASY-thx papa! hey, we only have each other down here to take care of our little love:).  I have to say that when I walked into this setting out of a bright loud strip mall lot, with a "please be quiet" sign outside of the door, and a "remove your shoes" inside; I was beyond pleasantly surprised.  This was no joke.  This wasn't a cold room with multiple people lying on creepy hospital tables side by side (my sad image after my first experience).  This was HEAVENLY.  I wanted to move in.  This was a quiet peaceful place.  The most blissful music was playing in the background.  The air was warm and smelled of lotus flower.  There were clipboards and forms with clear instructions.  There was a private office to consult in first, and consult I did.  The acupuncturist/owner took so much time with me, discussing EVERYTHING health-related, I felt as though I was getting a counseling sesh to boot;)  While I was rambling about my fertility, blood sugar, aches and pains; he nodded knowingly and comforted me so much in saying how all of my issues were intertwined and the biggest thing to tackle was my stress first and foremost.  UMMMM BINGO!  Makes sense, yes, and I slowly started to realize that acu is more of a balancing act for your body than simply to tackle specific issues.  Balancing your body in general will bring you less stress, more peace, and as I always have posted-better physical health results from less stress... from cancer to a common cold, your immunity alone is boosted!  He suggested about once a week to start to see results for my needs-if I enjoyed this, I found that completely reasonable at his price level.

Alright, my consult was done-it's game time!  In the community setting was about 6 REALLY comfortable mesh lawn lounge chairs, that blissful music, and some nice low lighting.  I was especially excited about not having to change into a robe for this, as you would a private treatment-all work was done below the knees, below the elbows, and from the traps up (but will differ for everyone).  There was maybe one other person being treated, but I loved that they were completely unaware of me.  They were chillin' in their own world, and there was truly nothing to be self-conscious about.  You definitely have your own quiet space, even if the room was to be filled.  As he prepared, he quietly told me what he was doing each step of the way, and the needles were quick to go in.  I can't tell you they were 100% painless, because besides that little pinch there was a heavy feeling that came under the skin-I panicked for half a second, because that's what Becca does best, but he was quick to assure me that this is a normal and positive response that would fade quickly, and I was able to calm down-sure enough, it did diminish within a few minutes and I was left to myself to soak in the moment.  I was first staring at my needles, waiting for that ache to diminish, and thinking thinking thinking... but then a straight-up miracle occurred.  I RELAXED.  I didn't try to relax, and I didn't expect to relax, but I did non-willingly relax!  I didn't fall asleep, as I saw some doing, but even better I found this quiet time for ME and only me-I found myself doing my own version of meditation, as I hadn't done since the Meditation Challenge posts, and it was such a peaceful moment.  The treatment lasted about 30-45 minutes, or when he noticed me stirring and wide-eyed.  He put a nice white flower oil in my hands to breathe in.  I was completely in a relaxed zone on the way home, and even when a few differences came up with a loved one later that day, I truly handled it cool and calmly-not my forte.  The true test, though, came that night.  I had been having major insomnia around that time, partly due to some health issues, and partly due to some anxiety-of which probably all went hand in hand.  That night, for the first time in months, I had a perfect deep sleep.  Yes, sometimes the baby pops up and I give him a quick change, snuggle, or milk; but this didn't prevent me from the sleep I had been yearning for for so long-a healthy sleep!  I wasn't expecting this, and I didn't even think about why on Earth I would suddenly finally have a great sleep until I realized the only change I had made was my acu appointment.  This alone, was a huge step in the right direction for me.  

I continued to go weekly for the past month, and after each treatment I feel more and more relaxed, the initial needle pain is MUCH less as promised, and my sleep has continued to improve.  The more treatments I have, the longer these results seem to last.  My husband even joined me once (he's not the jump on the bandwagon weekly type, but I could see him attending monthly for stress relief-he admitted to getting GREAT sleep that first sesh as well).  I was even recommended a child drop-off center literally next door to open my schedule a bit more (not usually my style, but knowing they can walk over and get me and seeing him run to those trains and trucks makes a mama happy!).  On specific health topics, my anxiety has reduced, my neck pain has been somewhat relieved, and fertility is headed in the right direction (more details to come on that fun topic hopefully soon).  I was also pleased to hear that not only is this safe during pregnancy (if done the proper way, of course), but can reduce chances of miscarriage.  If nothing else, this is an opportunity to take that "me time" to close your eyes and meditate.  Between this and yoga, I am good to go-as long as I stick with it!  I've thrown chiropractic treatments in the mix despite our high copay to really tackle my neck pain and truly take care of myself before major medical interventions, which will ultimately cost more in the long run-both monetarily and risk-wise.  I can't promise all of you that every community center will be the same-I truly feel I hit the jackpot-but I do encourage you to give one a shot if money is holding you back.  My acupuncturist has a degree and is highly knowledgeable in Eastern Medicine, which is a very nice second voice to hear alongside my conventional doctors here, some of which see acupuncturists themselves!  My feeling is that the more knowledge, info, and interventions the better-especially holistic ones-my hope is to find success in acu before a riskier medical alternative.  I hope you can find the same balance, and if you can find and afford a private acu (or if your insurance will cover, even better!), the more power to you!  Let me know!! Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)... and see who I've found in the Wilmington area below-be sure to look in your area as well using this link-there are more out there than you'd think!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

You Glow, Girl!

Ha like the title??  After this post, you'll have the opp to be as smooth as a freshly lasered Kardash, glow like J Lo, smile like Brit, and smell divine with a fresh mani to boot!  The best part??  I've found HEALTHY and inexpensive options for us to get that summer glow on as we're forced to wear less and less clothing while the heat increases!  I've listed products pictured below, in order from the safest to least safe products according to the Skin Deep Cosmetics Database, with nothing above a 4, and a few that aren't listed but seem to be great options.  Happy Glowing!

  • Crystal Essence Mineral Deodorant Roll-on in Pomegranate~ In my first skin and products post, I complained about natural deodorants doing the OPPOSITE of working, and asked for some input.  A follower suggested something similar to this one, but it wasn't until I tried this specific version (a free 'sample' in full size from!) that I found (near) success. It's not made with the typical Aluminum Chlorohydrate that has been linked to breast cancer and absorbs through the skin (particularly when pores are open after showers and shaving), but it's also not just throwing some oils on your pits and praying it sticks after a good sweat-give me a break!  Those versions are just ineffective and icky in my opinion.  This is made with the natural mineral salts, Potassium Alum, a similar ingredient to aluminum but the difference is key-it does NOT absorb into your skin the same way because of its larger molecular structure.  Of course for certain events you may want to grab your Secret if you feel you'll be sweating away for whatever reason, but for the Summer season where you'll be in and out of water and more casual, I'd suggest this for daily frolicking-can't go wrong with a ZERO green safety rating in the database either!!  Give it a try for $5;)
  • Aubrey Organics NuStyle Organic Hair Smoothing Serum~ Rated a 1 in the database, I just love this USDA Organic product.  It's not your typical "straightener" that often contains damaging alcohol, preservatives, etc; but it's a nourishing serum with oils and proteins to throw on your dry tresses in a variety of ways.  You can deep condition before a shower by applying it to dry or dampened hair before washing out, use it AFTER a shower and leaving it in if you're going to bed or leaving your hair wet, or, my fave use:  applying it and letting the sun do all the work of heating and strengthening your hair while protecting it from the sun simultaneously!  You know you're going to shower after a beach or pool day anyway-why not throw in some oils that'll do wonders in salt and chlorine as well??  Apply to hair after swimming and throw it in a braid!  A little pricier of products, but a little goes a long way, and I found it while on a monthly sale at the health store.
  • Dr. Bronner's Magic "All-One" Organic Fair Trade Shaving Soap Gel~ What a mouthful for such a simple product!  I love all of Dr. Bronner's products, but this one will keep you smooth all summer long:) A 1 in the database, it's USDA Organic and made with the simplest of ingredients-all super yummy.  I love the Lavender version, and it's a thin gel that protects your skin beautifully while shaving.
  • Eco-Dent ExtraBrite Dazzling Mint Tooth Whitener without Fluoride~ I found a safe tooth whitener!!!!!  I was pretty bummed I'd never dare stick Crest Whitening Strips on my teeth again after becoming more and more health conscious because of the daily foods and beverages that tend to stain, but I found this product at the health store and did my research-looking good as a 2 in the database and made with natural ingredients.  Even fluoride is questioned in the health world these days, so it was nice to see baking soda being one of the main ingredients instead-you can replace your toothpaste while you use it!  I haven't done extensive research on each and every ingredient in this, and because of this fact, I wouldn't use it while pregnant or breastfeeding.  I found this for about $8 in the health store and online (always try or amazon).
  • Physicians Formula Organic Wear Natural Glow Bronzer~ Love this powder bronzer (one of my MUST product haves in all seasons)... on the inexpensive side, rated a 3 in the database, no harsh chemicals/synthetic preservatives/parabens/synthetic fragrance or colors/GMO's and is cruelty-free!  Most powder bronzers, whether it's a $3 Wet n Wild or a $35 Lancome variety, WILL have items you do not want on your skin all day-I don't care how fancy the packaging is.  Love this because you can purchase conveniently at CVS and Walmart type places:)  Try their mascaras too-LOVE!
  • Physicians Formula Organic Wear Tinted Moisturizer~ Same as above goes for this little gem... if you want light coverage but spf 15 protection for being in and out of the sun (you'll need higher for a full on outdoor summer day), you want this!  Not super moisturizing, but enough for humid days, it's also rated a 3, and made of 80% organic ingredients-including the active sunblock being Titanium Dioxide, which is recommended-check out my safe sunscreen post!
  • Nature's Gate Glow Lotion~  This is rated a moderate 4 in the database, but when it comes to a self-tanning lotion (the gradual and subtle kind), you're not going to do much better!  About $12 in the health store, I was excited to give it a try, and so far I'm loving it!  Since I am just building a base tan now, I went with the light skin tone version-very subtle and moisturizing.  It's paraben/synthetic fragrance/mineral oil/petrolatum-free, and you get a large bottle at a reasonable price.  It was also a winner in Allure's Best of Beauty awards!  Again, this is a product I wouldn't use during pregnancy or breastfeeding-just in case:)
  • Mineral Fusion Sheer Tint~ Not rated in the database, but can be found at and some health stores, this foundation is light and sheer-PERFECT for summer nights (or fun days, as it does contain some Titanium Dioxide to filter the rays as well)!  It leaves a dewy bronze finish to your skin, and while a little pricier (I've seen between $20 and $30), you need a very small amount for application.  The lightest color I've found is neutral, and even that is a little on the tan side, but blending some bronzing powder over it helps a lot-just remember your chest and neck too!  
  • No Miss Nail Polish~ Another one not rated, and still has that slight "nail polish smell" (not nearly as bad as conventional polishes), but is MUCH more user-friendly than the water-based nail polishes (which are definitely safest, but really difficult to apply evenly and remove), and is above and beyond conventional nail polishes in the health department as it does NOT contain cancer-causing formaldehyde, brain damaging toluene, or camphor (linked to birth defects and emphysema), and is still moisturizing, non-yellowing, and chip-resistant.  I'm loving it, and for $8 per bottle think of how much you'll save on manis-especially during the summer months when chipping is way too easy... I'm enjoying the fun summer pale yellow color:  'Riviera Beach Banana'!  Pair it with No Miss or Tate's polish remover-amazingly odorless and actually MORE efficient than conventional removers, which are just awful for us-just smell them!! 
  • Acure Radical Age Reversal Treatment~ Made with anti-aging Chlorella Growth Factor and the amazing Argan Oil (all the rave among celebs these days-just make sure you're using an organic variety for hair or skin), I couldn't find this in the database (although I did find body lotions by this line rated a green 1), but this luxury line looks amazing, as I recently discovered it at the health store.  You have many options from serums to moisturizers, but this seemed like the best of both worlds-hence it being a little pricer (around $30).  You'll see why due to the richness to hydrate-plan on using it as a night cream to reverse that daily sun damage!  The ingredients alone sold me.

OK, enough suggestions??!  As you can see, I get SUPER excited about products... Have fun, share your summer product loves, and get glowing!!  Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blended Broc (and more!) Soup

As you know, I've raved in posts about making bone broth for healing, nutritional, and recipe use... well add another recipe to the list to use with the surplus of goodness you'll get out of it (and if you choose not to make the broth, pick up some organic veggie or chicken broth at the store to make this healthy and delicious soup!).

Play with this recipe-I based it loosely off of Dr. Mercola's, but you can definitely make it your own based on nutritional needs and taste preferences-mix up the milk, broth, herbs, spices, and veggies until you find the perfect blend for you... see mine below!

  • 1T Coconut (or other) oil
  • 1-2 Cloves of garlic, diced
  • 1/4 Red (or yellow, green) onion, diced
  • 1-2 Heads of fresh broccoli (preferable organic)
  • 1c Greens (spinach, kale, or a combo)
  • Handful of fresh herbs (cilantro, parsley, basil, etc)-can also do smaller amount of dried
  • 2-4c Veggie or chicken broth
  • 1-2c Coconut milk (or any milk)
  • Pinch of salt
  • Dash or 2 of hot sauce

  1. Heat oil in large pan 
  2. Saute garlic and onion for a couple of minutes (look for them to be translucent) 
  3. Add broccoli, greens, herbs, and a cup of the broth
  4. Steam it all, covered (I used a pot lid that didn't even fit but it worked!), for 5-10 minutes or until the broccoli is a bright green
  5. Add it all to blender or food processor with the remaining broth, milk, salt, and hot sauce (you may need to do this in 2 batches if you make a larger portion)
  6. Puree and stick in the fridge until ready to serve
  7. Reheat (or serve chilled!!) and Enjoy
Can't even emphasize all the healthy properties from EACH of these ingredients... my son even enjoyed it!  It's super tasty... Thanks for reading, and let me know if you add or sub anything in this recipe!!  You can always add some cheese if you need a little indulgence-Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Safe Sunscreen for Sunny Seasons

I'm back!  Thanks for your patience... had a little rough patch that I may address in the future when the time is right, but regardless, I know you're still here and supporting-so THANKS a bunch:)

What better time to get back into the game than at the start of a magnificent season??  Currently living in the south, the past week or so has been particularly glorious-my perfect weather hovering around 80 and sunny with minimal humidity (too bad it doesn't stay that way in the summer!).  Regardless of where you live, though, this has been a very mild winter and it's only a matter of time before you'll need some sunscreen-I used it today for the first time this year (and still got some subtle tan lines;)!

You may remember my raving about Vitamin D in my Healing post-a vitamin so powerful that it's said to have cancer prevention and fighting properties, and is essential for our immune systems to ward off many ailments, illnesses, and diseases.  One of my favorite alternative physicians, Dr. Mercola, states, "Studies show that people with the lowest average Vitamin D levels had a 124 percent greater risk of dying from all causes."  This is where some controversy comes in, since most of us have been made to fear the sun and its damaging properties such as aging, skin cancer, etc... Don't get me wrong, I would never say that the sun is harmless.  I have family members that have had skin cancer, I know it ages our skin, and sunburn is just horrible-BUT when you are getting the right dose for your body, the benefits far outweigh the risks.  In fact, it's speculated that the INGREDIENTS in most sunscreens (84% of products out there according to this article!!) are more toxic and cancer-causing than the sun itself-try to wrap your head around that one!  And it's this fact that brings me to this post.

The average person should be getting about 20 minutes per day of unprotected sunshine on as much of their bodies as they can expose (this varies between those fairer than others, of course), but if you're anything like me, you're not spending a mere 20 minutes at the beach or pool!!  I love to soak up the sun, but too much makes me feel sick, especially those first couple of exposures-I'd say a good couple of hours, as long as I'm hydrated and going in whatever body of water is available, is perfection and not too much on my skin as long as I'm smart about it.  "Smart" for me involves a waterproof sunblock and a hat-I'll give myself a short amount of unprotected sunshine time, but with the strong sun and my semi-fair skin, I really do need to watch myself in the summer-especially until I build up that base tan.  I'm also very cautious with my most vulnerable areas that burn and wrinkle the most easily-my face and chest-this is where the sun or Yankees hats come in handy!!  (Nice protection for your hair as well:)  If I want to extend my time, I hang under the umbrella... but something tells me my now 17-month-old won't be sitting there as nicely this summer, so sunscreen is a must for everyone.

Ok, so which sunscreens do we buy and why?  Good old deliciously smelling Coppertone from our childhood, Banana Boat and Hawaiian Tropics we adored during those teen years, or opt for something more "natural" that we believe is natural because it says, well, "natural"?  Sadly, we need to look at the specifics on labels rather than trust how they're advertised.  As mentioned in my Skin post, I do believe it's important to avoid parabens, chemicals, preservatives, colors, fragrances, etc etc in products, as they do absorb through the skin into our bloodstream; but even more important than these additives in sunscreens are the MAIN ACTIVE INGREDIENTS listed.  Bottom line:  if the active ingredients on your sunscreen or sunblock label are anything other than Titanium Dioxide or Zinc Oxide, they are highly toxic manmade chemicals that will in fact seep through your skin and possibly do more harm than good, as they are known carcinogens and hormone disrupters.  The beauty of TD and Zinc is that they are true sunBLOCKS which block the sun from harming your skin-they act as a barrier.  They will most likely not cross the skin into your bloodstream, making them your only safe options.  Zinc has a downside of leaving a slightly white tint, yes, but it's easily blendable and I do tend to look to Zinc as the safest option, as some new research questions TD as well-in fact, the whiter the residue, the safer it is.  In the link posted above, it states that due to consumer complaints of the white color, Zinc is now being broken down into nanoparticles that may in fact absorb through the skin-so again, the whiter the better, I promise it'll blend!  Zinc also blocks both UVA and UVB rays.  The second thing to look for, of course, is the inactive ingredient list to avoid the items I listed above as well... Be weary of those labeled natural, such as Alba Organics and Botanicals brand, among others.  They may be free of certain things, but I've noticed that their active ingredients are still in the danger zone.

As with many natural products, the sunscreens may take some getting used to.  The true natural ones will have primarily organic ingredients, be filled with natural oils, be a little thicker than others, and may have a product/oil separation to them-don't fear-you WILL get used to this and learn that a little bit goes a very long way!  The oils actually smell delightful, they blend well, and you'll feel great that these truly natural ingredients are nourishing your skin without harming it-a rarity these days.

Below is what we use and some other recs:

Nature's Badger:  We use the SPF30+ version of this, and I recently bought the Baby version on sale as well.  I love using natural products because I truly feel that they're safe for the whole family to share... none of this baby or adult-specific nonsense to worry about; safe is safe, and if you don't feel it's good enough for your baby, it shouldn't be good enough for you either!  We love this line because they have minimal yet amazing ingredients, the main being Zinc, and oils that are very hydrating and nourishing.  There is some separation that goes away when blending, and the white hue is minimal, especially if you use only the small amount you need to.  And remember, the whiter the better-the company addresses the nanoparticle issue here!!  Their newest formula ensures that it is in fact the Zinc that will not absorb into your body.  You may think it seems pricey for such a small tube, but again, you don't lather on a huge amount as you would with conventional sunscreens or lotions-a little truly goes a long way!!  I was happy (yet not surprised) that this passed the safety test in Skin Deep's Cosmetic Database and was rated a safe green 1 on a scale of 0-10, with 10 being the most harmful.  They do claim to be water resistant (rather than waterproof), but I've found that they do hang on for quite awhile of swimming and sweating; of course even with the most waterproof sunscreens, reapplying is necessary after prolonged swimming or sweating.

Don't forget to use this database in addition to reading ingredients-check out this list of sunscreen ratings with an SPF of 30 and up!  (I find 30 to be sufficient for most people if you're using a true sunblock).

Others worth checking out with equally safe ratings, and brands I happen to love:

Thanks for the love and tuning back in-I hope I've done some legwork for you, so you don't feel as if you're going into the warm seasons blindly!  We are most vulnerable during this time, since the heat opens those pores and we get everything in there... warm seasons can truly be the healthiest times of year for us-let's make sure that they are!  And please sound off if you feel you've found a healthy version that you love as well!!  Stay safely bronzed... and Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Why We Go Organic

8/1/12 **Update!  Click here for a new extended full list of the "dirty dozen" and more!**

OK, here's the biggie, the topic I've touched on and based my blog on but haven't really gotten into detail as to WHY... Why we are an organic family, and why I personally believe in organic foods and products 100%.  Now, I'm not a "freak" who packs her organic lunches and dinners for when we meet friends out or visit family up north-of course I still eat some conventional foods here and there-how can you not??  But, because my diet is primarily organic, I am confident that a low amount of pesticides won't affect me nearly as much as the astronomical amount consumed from conventional foods on a daily basis. Of course pesticides (I'll get into them in more detail) aren't the only reason I choose this for my family and myself, there are many reasons.  Is it more expensive to eat organically?  Usually, yes.  Is it worth it?  Usually, yes!  You have to make sure you're choosing true organic foods and products, rather than those that are misleading you as natural or have organic properties-you want to spend your money on the real deal or you may as well not.  While I'm working part time, we are pretty much a one-income family due to having my son 16 months ago.  This, of course, has put a strain on our budget.  Can I get manis and pedis whenever I want?  Can I shop for a cute pair of shoes just because?  Well, no, our money goes to what we NEED, and of course a little extra for our son:)  But really, our money goes to our health.  Opening the fridge filled with organic fresh fruits, veggies, dairy, and meats; and a cabinet with healthy cooking oils and spices is honestly all I need, and I am very grateful to have these things-for myself, yes, but more so for my son.

It's always baffled me how parents will buy lots of organic foods for their children, especially for their babies, but won't do the same for themselves.  There's a reason (well, many reasons) organic foods are best, and the rules apply to us as well.  There's the argument that "I've been eating non-organically my whole life and am just fine".  I hear ya, but we're still young.  Cancer is an epidemic that isn't going away anytime soon and most of us are affected in some way by it.  Do I think that eating organically automatically crosses me off the risk list? Absolutely not.  Actually, it's one of my biggest fears.  I grew up eating conventional foods, as most of us did, I use my cell phone way too much (more on radiation in a future post), I've drank too much alcohol in my lifetime and I even smoked for a few childish years!! YUCK.  I also ate a pretty high grain (thus high sugar) diet until a few years back.  All of those factors do in fact raise my chances of getting a disease later in life, whether it be cancer, diabetes, or other issues.  But we can't give up and sit here and live in fear because of our pasts.  We can only better ourselves:  cleaner foods, more exercise, healthier lifestyles, less grains.  Now, I am well aware that our environmental toxins we ingest aren't the ONLY risk factors for disease.  Sadly, many of us are already in a genetic predisposition that raises our risk greatly-even more reason to take extra good care of ourselves NOW-it's never too late.  And don't forget, we teach by example:  if Mommy is eating the bag of chips and sipping a soda (even diet is a big no-no!), that is exactly what her child will want to eat or drink, and will probably grow up doing.  Healthy habits start early.

Another argument is that not only are WE doing just fine, but our grandparents are healthy in their old age or were fortunate enough to live long lives.  That is wonderful, and I too, was lucky enough to have all 4 amazing grandparents in my life until the age of 25, and I still have 3 here with us, including 2 amazingly vibrant healthy grandmas.  Remember though, it's not just how long we live, but our quality of life that's important as well.  And don't forget that the harmful toxins pumped into crops weren't even introduced until our grandparents were close to adulthood, and didn't peak in use until between the 60's and 80's.  They did eat clean foods as children, because that's what foods were-CLEAN. That is why disease is such an epidemic to our parents' generation and our own-and even more scarily, our children's.  But, if we incorporate healthful clean foods from the get-go (rather than high sugar cereals and fast foods), we are giving our children a fighting chance at the time their bodies are the most vulnerable.  With any luck, they'll continue this trend after we lose the control of feeding them whatever we want:)  I realize too that we don't want to alienate them from friends at school or scare them, but look at healthy foods in a positive yummy way, and of course allow "treats" (as healthful as possible) in moderation to avoid a rebellion in the future!

Below is a list of reasons of why I believe in organic foods, some details to follow, and links with more research and info than I can provide!  This isn't about judging, it never is, but educating ourselves.

  • Pesticides-Pesticides are no joke.  This study alone found that we vastly underestimate the pesticides included in food we feed our children on a daily basis, including the same chemical used in nerve gas during chemical warfare, and the same chemicals directly linked to ADHD in children.  These aren't "granola heads" making facts up, but scientists finding and PROVING unhealthy links between the 2 among other things.  I've seen religions turn their backs on Global Warming due to it not meshing with their beliefs-are we going to do the same when it comes to our children's health??  Knowledge is power.  Note the "Dirty Dozen" mentioned in that study-it's a great guide for beginners.
  • Hormones-Anddddd this is why dairy and meat in particular are so important to buy organic.  Dairy is slightly pricier, meat is significantly pricier; but you don't have to eat meat daily to eat healthfully (although I do believe animal fat is very important to our diet), but they are WORTH IT.  Hormones pumped into cattle producing the milk (and yogurt, and cheese, and butter, etc...) have been found to increase the risk of breast cancer among other things in many published studies.  In fact, conventional US milk and meat are actually BANNED from some leading countries due to our lack of monitoring the sex hormones being injected into our livestock-that's scary, folks.  It's all about money, of course; bigger cows, more milk, more profit... at our expense.  Do you want your child drinking hormones daily??  No wonder girls' growth rates are off the charts and they're getting their periods earlier in life-due to the raise of estrogen among other hormones.  And with the rate of breast cancer skyrocketing in the past decade, I don't doubt this.  As for the meat itself, conventional livestock are not only receiving hormones at alarming rates, but are eating feces in small living quarters as well as being fed a GM (genetically modified) diet of grains that will trickle into our systems-we are what we eat!
  • Animal Cruelty-Quality of life may not mean much to us considering we are going to kill and eat the animals anyway, but personally, I would much rather have every living creature live a healthy cage-free life the way they were meant to before they meet their demise (of which also should be done in an ethical manner).   I always consider myself a vegetarian at heart-I wish I felt it was the healthiest choice for us, but I strongly feel that meat and vitamins (particularly B12) are crucial to our health.  I also believe that is what these animals are here for on Earth-to provide for us, but I don't believe in disrespecting their lives-I believe as the Native Americans did that we need to be respectful and give thanks for these animals-not treat them like garbage without souls.
  • Supporting Local Farms-Eating locally (more organic farms locally, but check first!) helps our economy and environment in ways you can't imagine.  Think of the cost and pollution cut down from not having fruits and veggies imported from afar-the gas needed to fill, labor needed to pay, etc etc-it's unnecessary!
  • Toxins-As noted in my Skin post, toxins CAN be absorbed through the skin as well as ingested through the foods we eat.  This is why I believe in organic skin care too-from sunscreen to soap.  More to come on healthy sunscreen and how to tell which is best in a future post.  Lipsticks can contain lead, anything that produces suds usually has a garage floor cleaning ingredient, SLS-a known carcinogen-included, and the plethora of other manmade chemicals (yes, even in baby products!) are linked to cancer, infertility, hormone imbalances, birth defects, and more.

As you can see, I'm pretty passionate about this topic, but I don't judge those who aren't on board.  I really just want to spread truth, not scare the daylights out of anyone or make all skeptics go 100% organic overnight-I realize that this is unrealistic and a huge undertaking for some.  Surprisingly though, it's not as hard as it seems.  Sticking with basics and starting small, you'll soon realize that you don't need much to make complete healthful meals, and you'll worry much less about your future health.  Thanks so much for reading, and Stay Chic, Stay Health, Go Organic!;)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Get Fit in the Gym, Lose Weight in the Kitchen

Good ol' Pinterest-I just loved this quote... I wasn't always a believer, either.  As I discussed in my Beginning of Health post, I was a good deal heavier around my wedding 5 years ago, and I couldn't understand why.  Gym and swimming time?  Yes.  Doritos and Margs poolside?  Yes.  Ummmm, silly 25-year-old Becca.  You can't expect results by simply exercising OR dieting.  It's truly a healthy lifestyle you need to undertake to achieve true fitness and health results-whatever your goals may be... medical, physical, mental, material-whatever!  Typically, working out is so wonderful and necessary for strength, heart health, controlling blood sugar, toning, raising your metabolism, and being fit in general.  You need that cardio endurance training as well as to work your muscles in some way.  What I didn't realize is how important the other key, diet (I don't mean DIETING, I simply mean what we eat on a daily basis), is for us.  Our diet is just as important for our internal health, but also, for losing weight.

Pre-pregnancy, just to recap, I had already cut out a lot of grains from my diet-especially at dinner time-a very simple choice, nothing drastic, but somehow I was at my lowest weight (in the safest way I'd ever attempted.)  Actually, I wasn't attempting weight loss at all-I was just trying to live a healthier lifestyle and hopefully prep for a baby-to-be soon... I just wanted to feel cleaner, less bloated, lighter in general-and I did!  Anything more became an occasional treat-and that made it a lot more fun!  I was lucky enough to finally achieve pregnancy, and while I strayed a little during the first tri to ward off nausea, I quickly recovered; and then had to be super strict in my 3rd due to Gestational Diabetes and again post-pregnancy when I was still having blood sugar issues.  Going through all of this, though, encouraged me to stay healthy and eat the way our bodies were designed to-with limited carbs, especially from grains, throughout my pregnancy and thereafter.  I could've done better this past fall (and conveniently stopped testing my blood sugar), but am recovering in the new year and feeling great... hopefully this post will inspire me to continue to do better as well.

My point is in all of this is that if you truly want to do your body a favor, and if you truly want to lose weight (eventually without even trying, as it'll be all you know), you will watch what you eat, and not expect exercise alone to do the trick!  The last thing you want is a layer of fat to be covering up all that hard work you've been doing.  I enjoyed this article to back up this claim.  It's the little things-an occasional detox, juicing, cutting most grains from meals (try Paleo!), drinking healthy beverages, etc.  Hope this is a good reminder, and will help those stuck at a weight they're unhappy with and can't figure out why... Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Meditation Challenge Continued

This is a follow-up post to my Meditation Challenge post... please read it if you haven't already, and join me on my continued journey of Chopra's 21-day Meditation Challenge and what I've experienced!

In summary 3/20/12:  Thanks so much for those of you who followed this challenge with me.  After day 9, I struggled with returning to the meditations daily due to some personal turmoil, but suddenly, when the challenge was supposed to be over, I received an email on day 22~my lucky number for many reasons:)  They threw in a bonus meditation with my favorite leader throughout the challenge:  David Ji.  The title was very fitting as well:  "Achieving Perfect Health"... who wouldn't want that in all aspects of life?!  If nothing else, this bonus meditation reminded me of how much the previous ones meant to me, and how important it is to take a time out from life to focus on yourself and connecting with the universe and positive peaceful energy out there-take a break from the stressors and sometimes scary situations life can bring.  The best part is that the meditations are still available right now, and that there are so many resources out there-from yoga to books to chanting your own positive mantra in silence when times get rough.  I'll leave you with this quote, which sums it all up pretty beautifully...

"You are the luminous mystery in which the entire universe with its forms and phenomena arises and subsides.  When this realization dawns there is a complete transformation of your personal self into your universal self... the complete loss of all fear, including death.  You have become a being who radiates love the same way the sun radiates light.  You have finally arrived at the place from which your journey began."~Deepak Chopra

Small pdate 3/3/12:  I probably turned my back on this Challenge during the time when I needed it most this week, but chose rather than pressuring myself to get it "done" and forcing it, to do the remaining meditations at my own pace when it felt right based on the topic at hand.  Some may be out of order from this point forward, but my goal is still to complete them all sooner than later-they truly help the soul.  

Day 9:  Healing the Heart

"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart.  It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul."~Judy Garland

The topic for this meditation spoke volumes to me during a difficult time, and well, the quote was simply beautiful and fitting.  How amazing would it be if we could all heal our hearts?  If we could consciously do daily acts to reverse the trauma, loss, hurting, pain, and negativity we encounter-both of small and great importance.  When I heard David Ji's voice revisit us on this meditation, I was very pleased and at peace.  Something about his soothing baritone puts me at ease.  His mantra for this meditation went as follows:  Attention, Affection, Appreciation, Acceptance.  These, he explained, are the 4 needs of the heart~each one progressively being a deeper need.  This hit home to me.  Who doesn't need one or more of these daily, whether it be from loved ones close to us or from strangers passing quickly in and out of our lives for one reason or another?  He wants us to be AWARE of these needs.  He explains that by being aware of what's lacking, we can knowingly address each need within ourselves, or with someone who may not be meeting these needs, rather than lashing out with reactions such as anxiety and anger which really don't get us any closer to fulfilling our heart's desires and probably leave us in a more negative state than we began with-not to mention a confused counterpart... we can't assume another will understand what we need, we need to speak up.  While this didn't address specifically healing yourself after a difficult time, it did help to put my mind at ease, and realize that these daily needs are linked to the difficult times, and especially important during them.  Listening, taking the time for myself, and of course writing is a step in the right direction.  Namaste.

Day 6:  Creating Wellbeing Through Mantras and Affirmations

"The quieter the mind, the more powerful, the worthier, the deeper, the more telling, and the more perfect the prayer is."~Meister Eckhart

I learned another meditation preference tonight-no one can be in our little house unless it's my baby sleeping in his room!!  My husband was thumping around like the Jolly Green Giant out there and it was very distracting:)  But, I must say, this was another winner for me.  The word mantra literally translates to "mind tool"-pretty cool, right?  Buddha's idea was always, "What we think is what we become".  How true that can be.  The meditation leader explained that through positive thinking we will become positive beings, and live positive lives-through all the adversity we face.  She instructs to plant your feet firmly to be grounded, so I obliged in hopes to get the most out of the meditation.  Even though I was lying down, I still planted my feet on the ground.  She then says a chant in Sanskrit and asks you to repeat:  sat chit ananda (truth, knowledge, and bliss-loved the bliss part).  Eventually she fades away and asks you to whisper this mantra softly on each breath while the heavenly music plays.  It was very relaxing, and if nothing else, a wonderful reminder to think positively to bring light into our lives.  I especially enjoyed the section when she instructs you to visualize a light coming from your heart and being-I hope to do this in my own time, especially when negative thinking creeps in.

Day 5:  Releasing Negative Patterns and Addiction

"Learn to recognize the counterfeit coins that may buy you just a moment of pleasure, But then drag you for days like a broken man behind a farting camel."~Sufi poet, Hafiz (lovely, isn't it??)

I chose to do this meditation in the evening for a change.  Well, honestly, it was the only quiet time I could find-not immediately before bed, but early in the evening.  Unfortunately I was pretty exhausted, but I did realize that I prefer sunlight shining in the room during my meditation... an alternative might be to light a candle or 2 while I try again in the evening-some source of beautiful natural light is a must for me-can't explain why!  Anyway, this was an awesome topic-addiction is near and dear to many of us.  Family members, celebrities we look up to, even ourselves in some way, shape, or form can suffer from addiction-from alcohol to drugs to shopping to eating-the sky's the limit for trying to fulfill our needs in an unhealthy way.  The problem lies in the negative patterns we create in our daily lives that enable us to continue the unhealthy behaviors-over, and over, and over again-even if it's just negative thinking, that's still an addiction.  This meditation reminds us that happiness is already residing within ourselves-it's up to us to access that happiness, through meditation and other positive behaviors, rather than turning to things that will ultimately make us feel even worse about ourselves and our lives.  I enjoyed this powerful message, and especially appreciated the notion that we can STILL enjoy our possessions and activities-but we cannot depend on them for happiness-it just won't work.  While breathing, the leader encourages you to release a negative, non-nourishing behavior on your exhale-just let it go... it felt wonderful, I must say-imagine doing this at the end (or at the beginning!) of every day as a healthy reminder to yourself??  Amazing.  She also shared a chant in Sanskrit, followed with the English translation (which I also appreciated)-I loved the idea that most parts of this were "We together... protect (nourish, journey etc)"-because we are all struggling to make the best out of our time here in this universe, and what a great reminder that we are all the same beings, going through the same things around the world in some way.

Day 4:  Relieving Stress and Anxiety With Present Moment Awareness

"I have realized that the past and future are real illusions... that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is."~Alan Watts

This meditation focused on releasing our fears, scenarios we create in our minds, scary thoughts, etc. and focusing on the present, rather than dwelling on past events and future 'maybes' that cause anxiety within us.  I happen to be taking a 2-hour road trip (both ways) to visit a friend with my son on this day, so I opted to listen to the meditation while driving and my son napped.  I was on an open, fairly empty highway on a clear day, so I thought I may be able to safely zone out while driving.  It worked-to an extent, that is.  I obviously was still in the moment of driving and couldn't let myself go completely, but I was able to clear my mind in the quiet nicely, and I was very happy that I was getting something accomplished while driving:)  I have to admit this wasn't my favorite meditation leader, and of course I was somewhat distracted, so I didn't feel a HUGE sense of peace after, but I did feel relaxed throughout the meditation, and the message was a great one:  being present is key-don't miss out on what's happening RIGHT NOW by dwelling on anxiety-inducing events that have already happened or may never occur... you might miss something amazing:)

Day 3:  Making Peace With Stress

"No one can get inner peace by pouncing on it."~Harry Emerson Fosdick

I did today's meditation at the same time of day as yesterday's while lying in the same relaxed position.  I appreciated hearing a woman's voice for a change-not that the gentlemen thus far weren't extremely knowledgeable and calming, they really were-but I enjoy the different leaders to connect with us in different ways.  This one happened to be a well-spoken and calming woman who happens to be a mother of 2, so there was instantly something in common between us.  And how about the topic??  Isn't that the whole point of this??  More peace, less stress-let's go!  I liked what she had to say-we try so hard to reduce stressors in our lives, and stress over stress to come; but really, we should be focusing on how to DEAL with the stress in a better way-because eliminating stress from our lives is highly unlikely.  She recognizes that people have been under stress since we were cavemen, same bodily reaction for different reasons.  Rather than allowing our blood pressure to rise, sweating to start, and feeling that fight or flight sensation, we should eventually be creative and will our minds to react differently, thus causing a different physical reaction as well.  She suggests through practiced meditation this can be achieved.  While I'm new to meditation, I will say that the more I practice yoga, the more I'm able to stay calm in stressful situations-which makes me hopeful and believe that there is merit to this.  The meditation itself once she was done speaking was set to beautiful calming music with very little instruction of what to do with our minds besides let any negative stress and emotions go easily and float away... I did feel that happen right away, but for the remaining 10 minutes it was difficult for me to lay there without my mind wandering since I wasn't instructed to fill my mind with something else:)  It was a good challenge, though, as I was forced to continue to let go of those emotions over and over and keep refocusing myself.  Let me know how you did today!  Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Day 2:  Health Consciousness 
"Our entire life consists ultimately in accepting ourselves as we are."~Jean Anouilh
I chose to do this second meditation just as I was waking for the day, both to start the day off right, as well as take advantage of my son still being asleep and having a quiet house.  I again chose to close the door, use white noise, and lay on my contour pillow.  Today's leader was a different meditation teacher, but equally as calming.  The topic at hand was our ego-basically recognizing our consciousness and things we "own".  David Ji was leading this meditation, and he insists that rather than fight or shun our ego, as society would like us to do, we should embrace and balance it.  He instructs us to listen to the music and actively think of things we own-whatever they may be-from material possessions to anything else that may pop in our minds.  I was a little skeptical, but was willing to give it a chance.  I think that's the most important key to most things in life that are new to us-if we can't give them a chance, we may be doing ourselves a huge disservice.  I was very surprised at where my mind traveled during this time.  I started with material things-the house, the car, the furniture... which led to my son, Kai's, things such as special toys and his favorite places to sleep... which led to my son... which led to the rest of my family... which led to my friends... which led to memories I OWN-both good and bad-who have made me the person I am... which led to the path my life has taken and how grateful I am for the positive things in my life... which led to reflecting on MYSELF and the attributes I own-both good and bad.  I wasn't just surprised, but pleasantly surprised, and finally understood this exercise, and I didn't want it to end!  Self-awareness and accepting things that are a part of your life and embracing them-and embracing yourself-brings a with it a healthy outlook on your own life in general, and helps you reflect on your own life and take a few minutes away from worrying about everyone else for a change.  Ego isn't so bad after all:)  The rest of my day proved to be a peaceful one, not perfect, but I handled any stressors with more ease than usual, and I have to say-after just 2 days, I'm officially hooked and grateful for finding this.  Stay tuned... and Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)