Monday, February 27, 2012

Why We Go Organic

8/1/12 **Update!  Click here for a new extended full list of the "dirty dozen" and more!**

OK, here's the biggie, the topic I've touched on and based my blog on but haven't really gotten into detail as to WHY... Why we are an organic family, and why I personally believe in organic foods and products 100%.  Now, I'm not a "freak" who packs her organic lunches and dinners for when we meet friends out or visit family up north-of course I still eat some conventional foods here and there-how can you not??  But, because my diet is primarily organic, I am confident that a low amount of pesticides won't affect me nearly as much as the astronomical amount consumed from conventional foods on a daily basis. Of course pesticides (I'll get into them in more detail) aren't the only reason I choose this for my family and myself, there are many reasons.  Is it more expensive to eat organically?  Usually, yes.  Is it worth it?  Usually, yes!  You have to make sure you're choosing true organic foods and products, rather than those that are misleading you as natural or have organic properties-you want to spend your money on the real deal or you may as well not.  While I'm working part time, we are pretty much a one-income family due to having my son 16 months ago.  This, of course, has put a strain on our budget.  Can I get manis and pedis whenever I want?  Can I shop for a cute pair of shoes just because?  Well, no, our money goes to what we NEED, and of course a little extra for our son:)  But really, our money goes to our health.  Opening the fridge filled with organic fresh fruits, veggies, dairy, and meats; and a cabinet with healthy cooking oils and spices is honestly all I need, and I am very grateful to have these things-for myself, yes, but more so for my son.

It's always baffled me how parents will buy lots of organic foods for their children, especially for their babies, but won't do the same for themselves.  There's a reason (well, many reasons) organic foods are best, and the rules apply to us as well.  There's the argument that "I've been eating non-organically my whole life and am just fine".  I hear ya, but we're still young.  Cancer is an epidemic that isn't going away anytime soon and most of us are affected in some way by it.  Do I think that eating organically automatically crosses me off the risk list? Absolutely not.  Actually, it's one of my biggest fears.  I grew up eating conventional foods, as most of us did, I use my cell phone way too much (more on radiation in a future post), I've drank too much alcohol in my lifetime and I even smoked for a few childish years!! YUCK.  I also ate a pretty high grain (thus high sugar) diet until a few years back.  All of those factors do in fact raise my chances of getting a disease later in life, whether it be cancer, diabetes, or other issues.  But we can't give up and sit here and live in fear because of our pasts.  We can only better ourselves:  cleaner foods, more exercise, healthier lifestyles, less grains.  Now, I am well aware that our environmental toxins we ingest aren't the ONLY risk factors for disease.  Sadly, many of us are already in a genetic predisposition that raises our risk greatly-even more reason to take extra good care of ourselves NOW-it's never too late.  And don't forget, we teach by example:  if Mommy is eating the bag of chips and sipping a soda (even diet is a big no-no!), that is exactly what her child will want to eat or drink, and will probably grow up doing.  Healthy habits start early.

Another argument is that not only are WE doing just fine, but our grandparents are healthy in their old age or were fortunate enough to live long lives.  That is wonderful, and I too, was lucky enough to have all 4 amazing grandparents in my life until the age of 25, and I still have 3 here with us, including 2 amazingly vibrant healthy grandmas.  Remember though, it's not just how long we live, but our quality of life that's important as well.  And don't forget that the harmful toxins pumped into crops weren't even introduced until our grandparents were close to adulthood, and didn't peak in use until between the 60's and 80's.  They did eat clean foods as children, because that's what foods were-CLEAN. That is why disease is such an epidemic to our parents' generation and our own-and even more scarily, our children's.  But, if we incorporate healthful clean foods from the get-go (rather than high sugar cereals and fast foods), we are giving our children a fighting chance at the time their bodies are the most vulnerable.  With any luck, they'll continue this trend after we lose the control of feeding them whatever we want:)  I realize too that we don't want to alienate them from friends at school or scare them, but look at healthy foods in a positive yummy way, and of course allow "treats" (as healthful as possible) in moderation to avoid a rebellion in the future!

Below is a list of reasons of why I believe in organic foods, some details to follow, and links with more research and info than I can provide!  This isn't about judging, it never is, but educating ourselves.

  • Pesticides-Pesticides are no joke.  This study alone found that we vastly underestimate the pesticides included in food we feed our children on a daily basis, including the same chemical used in nerve gas during chemical warfare, and the same chemicals directly linked to ADHD in children.  These aren't "granola heads" making facts up, but scientists finding and PROVING unhealthy links between the 2 among other things.  I've seen religions turn their backs on Global Warming due to it not meshing with their beliefs-are we going to do the same when it comes to our children's health??  Knowledge is power.  Note the "Dirty Dozen" mentioned in that study-it's a great guide for beginners.
  • Hormones-Anddddd this is why dairy and meat in particular are so important to buy organic.  Dairy is slightly pricier, meat is significantly pricier; but you don't have to eat meat daily to eat healthfully (although I do believe animal fat is very important to our diet), but they are WORTH IT.  Hormones pumped into cattle producing the milk (and yogurt, and cheese, and butter, etc...) have been found to increase the risk of breast cancer among other things in many published studies.  In fact, conventional US milk and meat are actually BANNED from some leading countries due to our lack of monitoring the sex hormones being injected into our livestock-that's scary, folks.  It's all about money, of course; bigger cows, more milk, more profit... at our expense.  Do you want your child drinking hormones daily??  No wonder girls' growth rates are off the charts and they're getting their periods earlier in life-due to the raise of estrogen among other hormones.  And with the rate of breast cancer skyrocketing in the past decade, I don't doubt this.  As for the meat itself, conventional livestock are not only receiving hormones at alarming rates, but are eating feces in small living quarters as well as being fed a GM (genetically modified) diet of grains that will trickle into our systems-we are what we eat!
  • Animal Cruelty-Quality of life may not mean much to us considering we are going to kill and eat the animals anyway, but personally, I would much rather have every living creature live a healthy cage-free life the way they were meant to before they meet their demise (of which also should be done in an ethical manner).   I always consider myself a vegetarian at heart-I wish I felt it was the healthiest choice for us, but I strongly feel that meat and vitamins (particularly B12) are crucial to our health.  I also believe that is what these animals are here for on Earth-to provide for us, but I don't believe in disrespecting their lives-I believe as the Native Americans did that we need to be respectful and give thanks for these animals-not treat them like garbage without souls.
  • Supporting Local Farms-Eating locally (more organic farms locally, but check first!) helps our economy and environment in ways you can't imagine.  Think of the cost and pollution cut down from not having fruits and veggies imported from afar-the gas needed to fill, labor needed to pay, etc etc-it's unnecessary!
  • Toxins-As noted in my Skin post, toxins CAN be absorbed through the skin as well as ingested through the foods we eat.  This is why I believe in organic skin care too-from sunscreen to soap.  More to come on healthy sunscreen and how to tell which is best in a future post.  Lipsticks can contain lead, anything that produces suds usually has a garage floor cleaning ingredient, SLS-a known carcinogen-included, and the plethora of other manmade chemicals (yes, even in baby products!) are linked to cancer, infertility, hormone imbalances, birth defects, and more.

As you can see, I'm pretty passionate about this topic, but I don't judge those who aren't on board.  I really just want to spread truth, not scare the daylights out of anyone or make all skeptics go 100% organic overnight-I realize that this is unrealistic and a huge undertaking for some.  Surprisingly though, it's not as hard as it seems.  Sticking with basics and starting small, you'll soon realize that you don't need much to make complete healthful meals, and you'll worry much less about your future health.  Thanks so much for reading, and Stay Chic, Stay Health, Go Organic!;)


  1. great post Becca! it's so crazy and so true - it blows my MIND every time I read these things! Thanks for helping spread the truth!

  2. thx sweetie-could write so much more!!!
