Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dirty Little Secret

I have a secret... sssshhhhh... I just had some...

DARK CHOCOLATE!  Albeit, it was 85% dark cocoa and organic, but man did that melt in my mouth! It's funny that when you start to cut most grains, sugars, and sweets out of your diet how much your taste buds change.  I can no longer have a store-bought fruit juice, cupcake, or even certain fruits in large amounts-your taste buds and cravings truly change (thank goodness!).  BUT, am I going to tell you that there are never occasions when I crave a little sweet something after certain meals or during celebrations?? Nah, that'd be a lie-it happens-but luckily, if you eat the correct kind, a bit of dark chocolate can healthfully satisfy that need!  Did I mention the health benefits??  It's an antioxidant powerhouse, good for heart health, and unlike so many sweets it is low on the glycemic index and doesn't spike your blood sugar in the same way-and that's just naming a few.  This is crucial info to aide in some guilt-free self-indulgence; not only is it "not that bad for you", but it actually can help your health in certain ways-always something to feel good about!

Having said this, can we have a stash of large bars and Willy Wonka ourselves nightly??  NO, as with everything, moderation is key.  Check the carbs on the back:  for example, a serving size of the bar I have here is 15g carbs/12 squares-so, depending on how much I've worked out and how many carbs I've consumed, I'll have a little more or less based on how my day is going.  Hormonal?  Have a few squares! Even better, pair it with a spoonful of (sugar free) peanut butter-that protein punch will fill you AND help break down any carbs/sugars you consume.  Wash it down with a little milk of your choice and be satisfied!  Melt it for a loved one this Valentine's Day and have some fruit fondue!

Back to the percentage aspect:  as mentioned, mine happens to be 85% cocoa.  You may need to ease yourself into this high of percentage, as the higher it is the less sweet it will taste, but I'm telling you-it's amazing.  The higher percentage, the more health benefits and less sugar you'll be consuming.

Go treat yourself if needed-you know we deserve it! I won't tell... Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

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