Friday, August 24, 2012

Super Cider Salad

I recently reached out asking for salad recipes (and got some great ideas!).  But to start, I created a recipe based on my own tastes and salads I've had at parties.  It took a little playing, but this particular salad is a winner-as a lunch, as a dinner (optional chicken can be added!), or as a party side-super easy and very tasty.

As some of you may know, I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes last pregnancy (despite eating healthfully, exercising, and little weight gain), and later found out that I continued to have issues with my blood sugar which means it's just a part of me I have to live with.  This pregnancy, I was lenient with my carbs to help my ridiculous nausea during the first trimester, but now that I'm in my 2nd trimester and testing my blood sugar again, I'm back to being super careful and on the ball!  I was having high fasting readings but my numbers were fine after meals (unless I indulged just a tad too much in carbs or ate dinner too late).  I'm happy to say that I've gotten the fasting numbers under control as of this week by eating small frequent low carb and high protein meals often throughout the day, and started some low impact exercise again.  While it's an annoying worry, it's a blessing in disguise because I'm once again forced to be at my healthiest for myself and for baby.

This salad is healthy for everyone-those struggling with any health issues AND those that just want a yummy healthful meal!  It has veggies, protein, some healthy fat, and other goodies that are great health boosts.  I chose all organic ingredients-found between the conventional food store and health store-and I always encourage organic ingredients when you can, but it's definitely not necessary.  As always, please remember that I would love for you to make this your OWN.  Play around with fruit, meat, spices, and veggies to please your own tastes and appetite!

**I was weary of the raw Apple Cider Vinegar during pregnancy, but confirmed that it is most likely safe during pregnancy AND has a myriad of health benefits; from lowering blood sugar to helping with nausea to relieving heartburn-all of which I've been joyfully experiencing;)  If you're expecting and uncomfortable with it, though, stick with the regular (not raw) version or another vinegar altogether, and always speak with your own health care practitioner before eating anything new or questionable.**

Super Cider Salad

Ingredients & Steps (serves 1-2, double for party side or dinner)

  • Handful of washed spinach leaves (for its health benefits)
  • Chopped washed heart of romaine lettuce (for that crunchy texture)
  • Handful of grapes cut in half (give 'em a good squeeze to release some juice)
  • 1/2 cup nuts of your choice (preferably raw mixed nuts but they sky's the limit!)
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries
  • Eyeball drizzles of both canola (or olive) oil and apple cider vinegar around the bowl depending on salad size-they should be about equal in amounts and leave the salad pretty wet
  • Generously sprinkle with cinnamon (for the sweetness and blood sugar lowering properties!)
  • Optional pinches of salt, black pepper, and sugar
  • Toss all ingredients in a large salad bowl and serve!  

Great as leftovers too... so easy!  A little salty, a little sweet, and super healthy.  Again, add some chicken to make it heartier with even more protein or change up the fruit (apples would be superb as well!).  Serve with a side of apple straws to make a nice yummy presentation and get a few carbs in-enjoy and as always, Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

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