Monday, February 27, 2012

Why We Go Organic

8/1/12 **Update!  Click here for a new extended full list of the "dirty dozen" and more!**

OK, here's the biggie, the topic I've touched on and based my blog on but haven't really gotten into detail as to WHY... Why we are an organic family, and why I personally believe in organic foods and products 100%.  Now, I'm not a "freak" who packs her organic lunches and dinners for when we meet friends out or visit family up north-of course I still eat some conventional foods here and there-how can you not??  But, because my diet is primarily organic, I am confident that a low amount of pesticides won't affect me nearly as much as the astronomical amount consumed from conventional foods on a daily basis. Of course pesticides (I'll get into them in more detail) aren't the only reason I choose this for my family and myself, there are many reasons.  Is it more expensive to eat organically?  Usually, yes.  Is it worth it?  Usually, yes!  You have to make sure you're choosing true organic foods and products, rather than those that are misleading you as natural or have organic properties-you want to spend your money on the real deal or you may as well not.  While I'm working part time, we are pretty much a one-income family due to having my son 16 months ago.  This, of course, has put a strain on our budget.  Can I get manis and pedis whenever I want?  Can I shop for a cute pair of shoes just because?  Well, no, our money goes to what we NEED, and of course a little extra for our son:)  But really, our money goes to our health.  Opening the fridge filled with organic fresh fruits, veggies, dairy, and meats; and a cabinet with healthy cooking oils and spices is honestly all I need, and I am very grateful to have these things-for myself, yes, but more so for my son.

It's always baffled me how parents will buy lots of organic foods for their children, especially for their babies, but won't do the same for themselves.  There's a reason (well, many reasons) organic foods are best, and the rules apply to us as well.  There's the argument that "I've been eating non-organically my whole life and am just fine".  I hear ya, but we're still young.  Cancer is an epidemic that isn't going away anytime soon and most of us are affected in some way by it.  Do I think that eating organically automatically crosses me off the risk list? Absolutely not.  Actually, it's one of my biggest fears.  I grew up eating conventional foods, as most of us did, I use my cell phone way too much (more on radiation in a future post), I've drank too much alcohol in my lifetime and I even smoked for a few childish years!! YUCK.  I also ate a pretty high grain (thus high sugar) diet until a few years back.  All of those factors do in fact raise my chances of getting a disease later in life, whether it be cancer, diabetes, or other issues.  But we can't give up and sit here and live in fear because of our pasts.  We can only better ourselves:  cleaner foods, more exercise, healthier lifestyles, less grains.  Now, I am well aware that our environmental toxins we ingest aren't the ONLY risk factors for disease.  Sadly, many of us are already in a genetic predisposition that raises our risk greatly-even more reason to take extra good care of ourselves NOW-it's never too late.  And don't forget, we teach by example:  if Mommy is eating the bag of chips and sipping a soda (even diet is a big no-no!), that is exactly what her child will want to eat or drink, and will probably grow up doing.  Healthy habits start early.

Another argument is that not only are WE doing just fine, but our grandparents are healthy in their old age or were fortunate enough to live long lives.  That is wonderful, and I too, was lucky enough to have all 4 amazing grandparents in my life until the age of 25, and I still have 3 here with us, including 2 amazingly vibrant healthy grandmas.  Remember though, it's not just how long we live, but our quality of life that's important as well.  And don't forget that the harmful toxins pumped into crops weren't even introduced until our grandparents were close to adulthood, and didn't peak in use until between the 60's and 80's.  They did eat clean foods as children, because that's what foods were-CLEAN. That is why disease is such an epidemic to our parents' generation and our own-and even more scarily, our children's.  But, if we incorporate healthful clean foods from the get-go (rather than high sugar cereals and fast foods), we are giving our children a fighting chance at the time their bodies are the most vulnerable.  With any luck, they'll continue this trend after we lose the control of feeding them whatever we want:)  I realize too that we don't want to alienate them from friends at school or scare them, but look at healthy foods in a positive yummy way, and of course allow "treats" (as healthful as possible) in moderation to avoid a rebellion in the future!

Below is a list of reasons of why I believe in organic foods, some details to follow, and links with more research and info than I can provide!  This isn't about judging, it never is, but educating ourselves.

  • Pesticides-Pesticides are no joke.  This study alone found that we vastly underestimate the pesticides included in food we feed our children on a daily basis, including the same chemical used in nerve gas during chemical warfare, and the same chemicals directly linked to ADHD in children.  These aren't "granola heads" making facts up, but scientists finding and PROVING unhealthy links between the 2 among other things.  I've seen religions turn their backs on Global Warming due to it not meshing with their beliefs-are we going to do the same when it comes to our children's health??  Knowledge is power.  Note the "Dirty Dozen" mentioned in that study-it's a great guide for beginners.
  • Hormones-Anddddd this is why dairy and meat in particular are so important to buy organic.  Dairy is slightly pricier, meat is significantly pricier; but you don't have to eat meat daily to eat healthfully (although I do believe animal fat is very important to our diet), but they are WORTH IT.  Hormones pumped into cattle producing the milk (and yogurt, and cheese, and butter, etc...) have been found to increase the risk of breast cancer among other things in many published studies.  In fact, conventional US milk and meat are actually BANNED from some leading countries due to our lack of monitoring the sex hormones being injected into our livestock-that's scary, folks.  It's all about money, of course; bigger cows, more milk, more profit... at our expense.  Do you want your child drinking hormones daily??  No wonder girls' growth rates are off the charts and they're getting their periods earlier in life-due to the raise of estrogen among other hormones.  And with the rate of breast cancer skyrocketing in the past decade, I don't doubt this.  As for the meat itself, conventional livestock are not only receiving hormones at alarming rates, but are eating feces in small living quarters as well as being fed a GM (genetically modified) diet of grains that will trickle into our systems-we are what we eat!
  • Animal Cruelty-Quality of life may not mean much to us considering we are going to kill and eat the animals anyway, but personally, I would much rather have every living creature live a healthy cage-free life the way they were meant to before they meet their demise (of which also should be done in an ethical manner).   I always consider myself a vegetarian at heart-I wish I felt it was the healthiest choice for us, but I strongly feel that meat and vitamins (particularly B12) are crucial to our health.  I also believe that is what these animals are here for on Earth-to provide for us, but I don't believe in disrespecting their lives-I believe as the Native Americans did that we need to be respectful and give thanks for these animals-not treat them like garbage without souls.
  • Supporting Local Farms-Eating locally (more organic farms locally, but check first!) helps our economy and environment in ways you can't imagine.  Think of the cost and pollution cut down from not having fruits and veggies imported from afar-the gas needed to fill, labor needed to pay, etc etc-it's unnecessary!
  • Toxins-As noted in my Skin post, toxins CAN be absorbed through the skin as well as ingested through the foods we eat.  This is why I believe in organic skin care too-from sunscreen to soap.  More to come on healthy sunscreen and how to tell which is best in a future post.  Lipsticks can contain lead, anything that produces suds usually has a garage floor cleaning ingredient, SLS-a known carcinogen-included, and the plethora of other manmade chemicals (yes, even in baby products!) are linked to cancer, infertility, hormone imbalances, birth defects, and more.

As you can see, I'm pretty passionate about this topic, but I don't judge those who aren't on board.  I really just want to spread truth, not scare the daylights out of anyone or make all skeptics go 100% organic overnight-I realize that this is unrealistic and a huge undertaking for some.  Surprisingly though, it's not as hard as it seems.  Sticking with basics and starting small, you'll soon realize that you don't need much to make complete healthful meals, and you'll worry much less about your future health.  Thanks so much for reading, and Stay Chic, Stay Health, Go Organic!;)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Get Fit in the Gym, Lose Weight in the Kitchen

Good ol' Pinterest-I just loved this quote... I wasn't always a believer, either.  As I discussed in my Beginning of Health post, I was a good deal heavier around my wedding 5 years ago, and I couldn't understand why.  Gym and swimming time?  Yes.  Doritos and Margs poolside?  Yes.  Ummmm, silly 25-year-old Becca.  You can't expect results by simply exercising OR dieting.  It's truly a healthy lifestyle you need to undertake to achieve true fitness and health results-whatever your goals may be... medical, physical, mental, material-whatever!  Typically, working out is so wonderful and necessary for strength, heart health, controlling blood sugar, toning, raising your metabolism, and being fit in general.  You need that cardio endurance training as well as to work your muscles in some way.  What I didn't realize is how important the other key, diet (I don't mean DIETING, I simply mean what we eat on a daily basis), is for us.  Our diet is just as important for our internal health, but also, for losing weight.

Pre-pregnancy, just to recap, I had already cut out a lot of grains from my diet-especially at dinner time-a very simple choice, nothing drastic, but somehow I was at my lowest weight (in the safest way I'd ever attempted.)  Actually, I wasn't attempting weight loss at all-I was just trying to live a healthier lifestyle and hopefully prep for a baby-to-be soon... I just wanted to feel cleaner, less bloated, lighter in general-and I did!  Anything more became an occasional treat-and that made it a lot more fun!  I was lucky enough to finally achieve pregnancy, and while I strayed a little during the first tri to ward off nausea, I quickly recovered; and then had to be super strict in my 3rd due to Gestational Diabetes and again post-pregnancy when I was still having blood sugar issues.  Going through all of this, though, encouraged me to stay healthy and eat the way our bodies were designed to-with limited carbs, especially from grains, throughout my pregnancy and thereafter.  I could've done better this past fall (and conveniently stopped testing my blood sugar), but am recovering in the new year and feeling great... hopefully this post will inspire me to continue to do better as well.

My point is in all of this is that if you truly want to do your body a favor, and if you truly want to lose weight (eventually without even trying, as it'll be all you know), you will watch what you eat, and not expect exercise alone to do the trick!  The last thing you want is a layer of fat to be covering up all that hard work you've been doing.  I enjoyed this article to back up this claim.  It's the little things-an occasional detox, juicing, cutting most grains from meals (try Paleo!), drinking healthy beverages, etc.  Hope this is a good reminder, and will help those stuck at a weight they're unhappy with and can't figure out why... Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Meditation Challenge Continued

This is a follow-up post to my Meditation Challenge post... please read it if you haven't already, and join me on my continued journey of Chopra's 21-day Meditation Challenge and what I've experienced!

In summary 3/20/12:  Thanks so much for those of you who followed this challenge with me.  After day 9, I struggled with returning to the meditations daily due to some personal turmoil, but suddenly, when the challenge was supposed to be over, I received an email on day 22~my lucky number for many reasons:)  They threw in a bonus meditation with my favorite leader throughout the challenge:  David Ji.  The title was very fitting as well:  "Achieving Perfect Health"... who wouldn't want that in all aspects of life?!  If nothing else, this bonus meditation reminded me of how much the previous ones meant to me, and how important it is to take a time out from life to focus on yourself and connecting with the universe and positive peaceful energy out there-take a break from the stressors and sometimes scary situations life can bring.  The best part is that the meditations are still available right now, and that there are so many resources out there-from yoga to books to chanting your own positive mantra in silence when times get rough.  I'll leave you with this quote, which sums it all up pretty beautifully...

"You are the luminous mystery in which the entire universe with its forms and phenomena arises and subsides.  When this realization dawns there is a complete transformation of your personal self into your universal self... the complete loss of all fear, including death.  You have become a being who radiates love the same way the sun radiates light.  You have finally arrived at the place from which your journey began."~Deepak Chopra

Small pdate 3/3/12:  I probably turned my back on this Challenge during the time when I needed it most this week, but chose rather than pressuring myself to get it "done" and forcing it, to do the remaining meditations at my own pace when it felt right based on the topic at hand.  Some may be out of order from this point forward, but my goal is still to complete them all sooner than later-they truly help the soul.  

Day 9:  Healing the Heart

"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart.  It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul."~Judy Garland

The topic for this meditation spoke volumes to me during a difficult time, and well, the quote was simply beautiful and fitting.  How amazing would it be if we could all heal our hearts?  If we could consciously do daily acts to reverse the trauma, loss, hurting, pain, and negativity we encounter-both of small and great importance.  When I heard David Ji's voice revisit us on this meditation, I was very pleased and at peace.  Something about his soothing baritone puts me at ease.  His mantra for this meditation went as follows:  Attention, Affection, Appreciation, Acceptance.  These, he explained, are the 4 needs of the heart~each one progressively being a deeper need.  This hit home to me.  Who doesn't need one or more of these daily, whether it be from loved ones close to us or from strangers passing quickly in and out of our lives for one reason or another?  He wants us to be AWARE of these needs.  He explains that by being aware of what's lacking, we can knowingly address each need within ourselves, or with someone who may not be meeting these needs, rather than lashing out with reactions such as anxiety and anger which really don't get us any closer to fulfilling our heart's desires and probably leave us in a more negative state than we began with-not to mention a confused counterpart... we can't assume another will understand what we need, we need to speak up.  While this didn't address specifically healing yourself after a difficult time, it did help to put my mind at ease, and realize that these daily needs are linked to the difficult times, and especially important during them.  Listening, taking the time for myself, and of course writing is a step in the right direction.  Namaste.

Day 6:  Creating Wellbeing Through Mantras and Affirmations

"The quieter the mind, the more powerful, the worthier, the deeper, the more telling, and the more perfect the prayer is."~Meister Eckhart

I learned another meditation preference tonight-no one can be in our little house unless it's my baby sleeping in his room!!  My husband was thumping around like the Jolly Green Giant out there and it was very distracting:)  But, I must say, this was another winner for me.  The word mantra literally translates to "mind tool"-pretty cool, right?  Buddha's idea was always, "What we think is what we become".  How true that can be.  The meditation leader explained that through positive thinking we will become positive beings, and live positive lives-through all the adversity we face.  She instructs to plant your feet firmly to be grounded, so I obliged in hopes to get the most out of the meditation.  Even though I was lying down, I still planted my feet on the ground.  She then says a chant in Sanskrit and asks you to repeat:  sat chit ananda (truth, knowledge, and bliss-loved the bliss part).  Eventually she fades away and asks you to whisper this mantra softly on each breath while the heavenly music plays.  It was very relaxing, and if nothing else, a wonderful reminder to think positively to bring light into our lives.  I especially enjoyed the section when she instructs you to visualize a light coming from your heart and being-I hope to do this in my own time, especially when negative thinking creeps in.

Day 5:  Releasing Negative Patterns and Addiction

"Learn to recognize the counterfeit coins that may buy you just a moment of pleasure, But then drag you for days like a broken man behind a farting camel."~Sufi poet, Hafiz (lovely, isn't it??)

I chose to do this meditation in the evening for a change.  Well, honestly, it was the only quiet time I could find-not immediately before bed, but early in the evening.  Unfortunately I was pretty exhausted, but I did realize that I prefer sunlight shining in the room during my meditation... an alternative might be to light a candle or 2 while I try again in the evening-some source of beautiful natural light is a must for me-can't explain why!  Anyway, this was an awesome topic-addiction is near and dear to many of us.  Family members, celebrities we look up to, even ourselves in some way, shape, or form can suffer from addiction-from alcohol to drugs to shopping to eating-the sky's the limit for trying to fulfill our needs in an unhealthy way.  The problem lies in the negative patterns we create in our daily lives that enable us to continue the unhealthy behaviors-over, and over, and over again-even if it's just negative thinking, that's still an addiction.  This meditation reminds us that happiness is already residing within ourselves-it's up to us to access that happiness, through meditation and other positive behaviors, rather than turning to things that will ultimately make us feel even worse about ourselves and our lives.  I enjoyed this powerful message, and especially appreciated the notion that we can STILL enjoy our possessions and activities-but we cannot depend on them for happiness-it just won't work.  While breathing, the leader encourages you to release a negative, non-nourishing behavior on your exhale-just let it go... it felt wonderful, I must say-imagine doing this at the end (or at the beginning!) of every day as a healthy reminder to yourself??  Amazing.  She also shared a chant in Sanskrit, followed with the English translation (which I also appreciated)-I loved the idea that most parts of this were "We together... protect (nourish, journey etc)"-because we are all struggling to make the best out of our time here in this universe, and what a great reminder that we are all the same beings, going through the same things around the world in some way.

Day 4:  Relieving Stress and Anxiety With Present Moment Awareness

"I have realized that the past and future are real illusions... that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is."~Alan Watts

This meditation focused on releasing our fears, scenarios we create in our minds, scary thoughts, etc. and focusing on the present, rather than dwelling on past events and future 'maybes' that cause anxiety within us.  I happen to be taking a 2-hour road trip (both ways) to visit a friend with my son on this day, so I opted to listen to the meditation while driving and my son napped.  I was on an open, fairly empty highway on a clear day, so I thought I may be able to safely zone out while driving.  It worked-to an extent, that is.  I obviously was still in the moment of driving and couldn't let myself go completely, but I was able to clear my mind in the quiet nicely, and I was very happy that I was getting something accomplished while driving:)  I have to admit this wasn't my favorite meditation leader, and of course I was somewhat distracted, so I didn't feel a HUGE sense of peace after, but I did feel relaxed throughout the meditation, and the message was a great one:  being present is key-don't miss out on what's happening RIGHT NOW by dwelling on anxiety-inducing events that have already happened or may never occur... you might miss something amazing:)

Day 3:  Making Peace With Stress

"No one can get inner peace by pouncing on it."~Harry Emerson Fosdick

I did today's meditation at the same time of day as yesterday's while lying in the same relaxed position.  I appreciated hearing a woman's voice for a change-not that the gentlemen thus far weren't extremely knowledgeable and calming, they really were-but I enjoy the different leaders to connect with us in different ways.  This one happened to be a well-spoken and calming woman who happens to be a mother of 2, so there was instantly something in common between us.  And how about the topic??  Isn't that the whole point of this??  More peace, less stress-let's go!  I liked what she had to say-we try so hard to reduce stressors in our lives, and stress over stress to come; but really, we should be focusing on how to DEAL with the stress in a better way-because eliminating stress from our lives is highly unlikely.  She recognizes that people have been under stress since we were cavemen, same bodily reaction for different reasons.  Rather than allowing our blood pressure to rise, sweating to start, and feeling that fight or flight sensation, we should eventually be creative and will our minds to react differently, thus causing a different physical reaction as well.  She suggests through practiced meditation this can be achieved.  While I'm new to meditation, I will say that the more I practice yoga, the more I'm able to stay calm in stressful situations-which makes me hopeful and believe that there is merit to this.  The meditation itself once she was done speaking was set to beautiful calming music with very little instruction of what to do with our minds besides let any negative stress and emotions go easily and float away... I did feel that happen right away, but for the remaining 10 minutes it was difficult for me to lay there without my mind wandering since I wasn't instructed to fill my mind with something else:)  It was a good challenge, though, as I was forced to continue to let go of those emotions over and over and keep refocusing myself.  Let me know how you did today!  Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Day 2:  Health Consciousness 
"Our entire life consists ultimately in accepting ourselves as we are."~Jean Anouilh
I chose to do this second meditation just as I was waking for the day, both to start the day off right, as well as take advantage of my son still being asleep and having a quiet house.  I again chose to close the door, use white noise, and lay on my contour pillow.  Today's leader was a different meditation teacher, but equally as calming.  The topic at hand was our ego-basically recognizing our consciousness and things we "own".  David Ji was leading this meditation, and he insists that rather than fight or shun our ego, as society would like us to do, we should embrace and balance it.  He instructs us to listen to the music and actively think of things we own-whatever they may be-from material possessions to anything else that may pop in our minds.  I was a little skeptical, but was willing to give it a chance.  I think that's the most important key to most things in life that are new to us-if we can't give them a chance, we may be doing ourselves a huge disservice.  I was very surprised at where my mind traveled during this time.  I started with material things-the house, the car, the furniture... which led to my son, Kai's, things such as special toys and his favorite places to sleep... which led to my son... which led to the rest of my family... which led to my friends... which led to memories I OWN-both good and bad-who have made me the person I am... which led to the path my life has taken and how grateful I am for the positive things in my life... which led to reflecting on MYSELF and the attributes I own-both good and bad.  I wasn't just surprised, but pleasantly surprised, and finally understood this exercise, and I didn't want it to end!  Self-awareness and accepting things that are a part of your life and embracing them-and embracing yourself-brings a with it a healthy outlook on your own life in general, and helps you reflect on your own life and take a few minutes away from worrying about everyone else for a change.  Ego isn't so bad after all:)  The rest of my day proved to be a peaceful one, not perfect, but I handled any stressors with more ease than usual, and I have to say-after just 2 days, I'm officially hooked and grateful for finding this.  Stay tuned... and Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Meditation Challenge


Scare anyone off yet?  Good-don't go anywhere!!  Meditation is viewed upon as many things in our culture and country.  Some religious folks view it as evil, traditionalists view it as crunchy, skeptics view it as a big ol' scam, and some doctors view it as nonsense.  What's important to remember about this topic, much like every other health topic out there, is everything is what you make of it-whether it be diet, exercise, stress-reducers, supplementation, lifestyle, religion, knowledge, etc etc etc!  To make something work for you and make it YOUR OWN is invaluable, and once it's your own, no one can dispute it or take it away from you-quite empowering when you give yourself something.

In my Yoga and Detox posts, I went on to glorify yoga due to the fitness, stress-relieving, and cleansing properties it has.  After a good yoga workout, whether at home or in a class, that relaxation part in the end is just heavenly for me.  A quiet piece of the day, even if it's 3 minutes, to clear your mind and let every body part relax-when do we do that??  Sleeping, yes, but it's not the same.  While sleeping is very important for the repair of our bodies, meditation repairs our minds-which converts all of that negative energy from negative emotions we store up into peaceful positive energy, which also helps to repair your body physically.  It's a lot to swallow, but think about it:  many health remedies include REDUCING YOUR STRESS LEVELS.  There's a reason for this, and meditation is a wonderful way to heal.  My Healing post touches on preventing illness by reducing stress, which can be done in a plethora of ways-from sleep to exercise to diet to just finding some 'me' time such as a hot bath or quiet book read or glass of wine.  That 'me' time is a form of meditation without realizing it.  You're giving your mind a BREAK from the usual craziness it ensues daily.  True meditation can do this at a whole new level, and enlighten some.  You too can Eat, Pray, Love with the best of them;)

A couple of things prompted my recent attempt at true meditation.  For one, I've been dealing with insomnia lately.  I have ruminating thoughts each night, as well as some body aches, and anxiety that comes with the thoughts!  I've tried going to bed earlier, working out harder, sipping hot tea or warm milk, cutting alcohol/caffeine, and reading-some help a little, but not to the degree needed to deal with an energetic 16-month-old all the following day:)  Naps help me catch up a little, but that broken sleep can't compare to a solid night's sleep.  Secondly is my eternal quest for health-both physically and mentally-to complement my lifestyle and feel good about doing so.  Finally, I received a link to the Chopra Center 21-Day Meditation Challenge-FREE this month, from a friend.  I thought-why not??  If I can in find fact 15-20 quiet minutes in my day (I was skeptical), I'm going for it.  Below is my experience with it-I'll update as I see fit, and as new experiences occur.

Day 1:  As soon as my son went down for his nap, I closed myself in my bedroom (no distracting kitties allowed!), turned on some white noise, and accessed the first day's meditation (right on my phone!), led by Deepak Chopra himself.  The music and his voice put me at ease immediately.  In most yoga classes, when they've included some longer meditation sessions, they allow you to lay or sit in the position you feel most comfortable in.  I chose a contoured neck pillow (I rarely use due to not sleeping on my back) and laid on my back, feet and arms out to sides, palms up-much like a final relaxation pose in yoga.  The meditation was surprisingly simple-no odd chants in a language I didn't understand-just a simple word (soul) on the inhale, and a hum to follow on the exhale.  In fact, the word was instructed to say mentally so you're not even saying anything out loud.  Mentally saying this word does 2 things:  focuses your mind on what you're saying (your soul), and helps to prevent distracting thoughts from entering your mind-due to your own annoying self or external interruptions from your environment.  Chopra gently reminds you that this is a normal occurrence and to simply bring your mind right back to focusing.  I had to do this many times.  I've heard this is normal, and like anything else, the more you practice, the better you get.  By the end of the 16 minute session, I was so relaxed that my neck pain was nearly gone, my mind was clear of worry, and I drifted into a deep sleep that I desperately needed after a rough night.  I woke up extremely relaxed as well-not groggy, but truly relaxed-no knots in my shoulders or worrisome thoughts.  Will this last forever?  No, unfortunately we have to deal with daily hardships of life, but I'm hoping that over time this will possibly help me to deal with daily stressors, and maybe give me a new outlook on them.

Stay tuned for updated versions of this post as I get further into the challenge, and I still have a goal to read the autobiography written by my favorite Yogi, Parmahansa Yogananda, hopefully soon.  I find all of this very spiritual as well as being a healthy choice-but again, that's what feels right to ME.  People with other strict religious beliefs do NOT have to bring spirituality into this whatsoever!  Look at it in the way that makes you feel most comfortable, and good luck!  Sound off on your experiences, and follow the links to discover your options for meditating.  Some can be found in books (pick one up at the library to read more/ease yourself into it), but I personally find it easier to press a button on a podcast and listen rather than worry about reading/flipping pages.  I hope you'll join me in this free challenge that usually costs $75 to join!!  Stay Chic, Stay Healthy and OMMMMMM;)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Get Tough, Get Toned, Get TRACY!

**Update 7/28/12:  I had the luxury of testing out a Metamorphasis workout and WOW such a lovely smooth flow that actually incorporated active movements with the floor workout, unlike the boot camp. I would love to be doing it daily-tough, but fun and goes by quickly!  Do it to your own playlist and you're SET!  Anxiously anticipating her pregnancy workout for the future!**

Sure, she's revered by Miss Gwyneth P, but is she worth all the hype??  In one word:  YES... if you make the most of it.

The Tracy Anderson Method is something I haven't visited in awhile, and shame on me!  Once my son got close to a year old, I joined an awesome workout group for mommies AND babies for the social aspect for us both (more on this later!!), and when the cooler weather and new year arrived, I went back to my tried and true home elliptical with some yoga (both classes and Bethenny's Skinnygirl Workout DVD to mix it up) in hope for some downtime and encourage a year of zen and health.  Recently, though, I found myself wanting to throw something else in the mix so I (as well as my body) wouldn't bore of the routine, and so I'd be nice and fit for the upcoming warmer seasons!  The Tracy Anderson Method, or TAM, was a staple in my life-especially to help my body bounce back after giving birth, and Tracy's empire has grown so much in the last year that they offer even more now-I believe everyone can benefit from it-and most importantly, make it their OWN.

Tracy's story is an interesting one.  She was an aspiring ballerina competing against so many tiny dancers, one of which she was not.  She got turned down from many jobs due to her "thickness" and inability to achieve her best body after trying every exercise and diet she could get her hands on while keeping her energy up simultaneously.  She poured a decade of research into her aspirations, and realized that most of us simply aren't working the CORRECT muscle groups, nor are we eating what we should be.  I appreciate her unique approach and especially her clean eating ideals-more on both below.

I started small-I got the Post-Pregnancy Workout DVD (she has this version I tried as well as an updated version that is much pricier, but I imagine more effective) after giving birth, and was anxious to try it after the typical 6-week recovery time frame.  While my beautiful preemie boy brought sleepless nights of eating about every hour, I still forced myself to make this a priority-as long as I was somewhat rested to safely do the exercises.  The nice thing about them is that they're mainly floor exercises, and based on very unique toning principles of using your own body weight to repeat working the SMALL muscles in your body, rather than the usual large muscles when weight lifting, running, etc.  This is the whole basis of the TAM.  And this is why I wasn't scared off by the first DVD-it was user friendly, and while I definitely felt it to be challenging using new muscles, I wasn't so sore and broken-down that I had to take days off in between either.

Since I enjoyed this so much, I then took the next step and bought her 30-Day Method book (which came with an instructional DVD) when I was feeling a little stronger and rested.  This upped it a notch!  Not only does it have more challenging floor exercises, but it also comes with a cardio dance routine.  The book in itself is worth it-packed with her theories, studies, basis, background, floor move descriptions, AND lots of healthy amazing recipes!  It's called the 30-day Method because she wants you to do just that-pretty much put yourself in a boot camp for 30 days using her strict floor exercise reps, cardio dance, and diet-she guarantees results!  Did I strictly make the 30-days to her liking??  Um, no.  I tried at first, believe me I did, but I ultimately had to make it my own-as we should with everything health-wise.  I didn't end up with her ripped cellulite-free dancer body, but I did feel stronger, more toned, and cleaner in the end.  Here's a break-down of the 3 main components and my take on each:

  1. MUSCLE DESIGN WORK:  This was by far my favorite part-the floor, sometimes standing, work to tone your muscles rather than repeatedly break down the LARGE muscles and build bulk in the same places while ignoring others.  The moves also changed every 10 days.  You start with a set and build the reps as the 10 days go on, and just when you're getting used to those moves, they change!  These are said to create a smaller body structure, keep your muscles alert, and burn fat away.  P.S. Ouch!  At first you will feel sore-but it's a great sore...
  2. CARDIO:  The next component is a high-intensity cardio dance workout that raises your heart rate to complement the muscle work and burn even more fat while keeping your heart healthy.  She believes that repetitive cardio, such as spinning and running, only bulks certain muscles, and that dance aerobics classes can be too stop-and-go to keep your heart rate up.  You start with the routine for about 10 minutes and work up to 60 minutes throughout the 30 days, depending on your fitness level.  OK, I love to dance (not well, but I still love it), but I still struggled with this aspect.  She's dressed in a really funky outfit, you'll be totally humiliated doing it in front of others (although I made my son smile), and the music is a bit lame.  However, once I loosened up a bit, took her suggestion and started making my own playlists and blasting my pod, and realized how much I was truly sweating and how much fun I was having after each session, I felt much better about it-definitely let yourself go AND use your own music!  If this is totally not your thing, I think other means of cardio are still sufficient as long as you mix them up and incorporate her dancing once in awhile.  She would dispute this and say you won't get the same results in the 30-day method, and I believe that, but you need to do what you're most comfortable with.
  3. MENU PLAN:  Ah, my Golden Child-healthy foods!  Her goals are foods high in nutrients and fiber that minimize bloat-ultimately very clean eating that kick-starts your metabolism and burns fat.  So, I saunter off excitedly to the grocery store... and spend about double of what I normally would-which is a lot already!  Her ingredients are very specific, and sometimes hard to find.  She lays out both a vegetarian and non-vegetarian 25-day meal plan to be followed by a 5-day cleanse at the end that consists of mainly juices and purees (think baby foods!).  I really loved the specific instructions and recipes-and most were truly yummy, however I was a breastfeeding mama at the time, and the calorie limits weren't working for me.  I had to incorporate some more calories, and due to budget/time constraints, had to substitute ingredients sometimes.  Ultimately, though, if you basically follow her guidelines and start to get a feel of what she encourages and what she doesn't, you'll start getting used to eating cleaner and healthier, which is a great thing in itself.  And if you DO choose to be gung-ho and follow this exactly (pre-wedding, perhaps??), I have NO DOUBT you'll shed the pounds tremendously and get that energy way up!

As I mentioned, she has expanded her product line dramatically since these have been out, all the while researching more, and coming up with more specific plans for certain body types.  Her latest DVD's are the Metamorphosis, Metamorphosis Continuity enrollment, and she also now has a Performance Shake to drink.  These are all dramatically pricier than the original DVD's I mentioned in detail, but they also offer a lot more, and I have no doubt that they would do wonders for your body if you put in the time.  I recommend trying the DVD's and book mentioned first to get a feel for her method, but if you have the funds-go for the goods!!  I hope to in the future:)  I am anxious to revisit her 30-day method again... I will probably do the floor exercises and some recipes for sure.  For those expecting a little one, I'd recommend subbing the dancing for walking or an indoor machine to monitor your heart rate (keep under 140), doing all floor exercises but the abs, and staying away from her tuna recipes.  Otherwise, I think it's a great tool for everyone... As always, thanks so much for reading-it's been too long!  Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Great Vaccine Debate

There are basic differences between naturally acquired immunity and temporary vaccine-induced antibody production. But few are willing to look at this issue -- least of all conventional medicine, which is so dominated by pharmaceutical companies seeking bigger markets and more profits from the investment they make in developing new vaccines.. 
Unfortunately, if we continue down the road they're paving for us, and they turn out to be wrong about the effictiveness, safety, and overall long-term side effects of vaccines, then we're on an extremely dangerous slippery slope. This is why I believe we really need an open and fearless conversation about vaccines; one that addresses the glaring questions about vaccine effectiveness (or lack thereof) and vaccine side effects, and leaves room for real, honest answers, and alternatives to our society's use of vaccination as the primary disease prevention tool... -Dr. Joseph Mercola
Ah vaccines... it's a black and white issue, right?  You're either a granola head who doesn't vaccinate your children or yourself with no regard for harming society or you're pro-vaccine out of fear and load your babies with 4 shots/visit complete with preservatives-good luck!  This assumption is sickening and mind-boggling.  Since when is questioning the SAFETY of vaccines directly linked to children's health a bad thing?  There are 2 stances here (and sometimes false assumptions):  1. Society has scared the crap out of you regarding vaccine injuries and you don't want to vaccinate OR 2. Society has scared the crap out of you regarding infectious diseases and you HAVE to vaccinate-immediately!
Friends, this is anything but a black and white issue.  I've watched documentaries on BOTH sides, each of which is spun to make its side look right.  I've done research regarding all sorts of options, and still, I cannot say with 100% what the right choice is.  Can you??  I urge you to do your OWN research-not be talked into anything you're not comfortable with.  What some people don't understand is that the majority of those that question vaccines aren't trying to challenge anyone to cause trouble, they are interested in SAFER vaccines for their children (and themselves for that matter).  
The truth of the matter is:  vaccine injuries are believed to be a very real thing.  Sure, we're all given the standard fact sheets listing mild-fatal side effects, but that's not what I'm talking about.  Autism rates are skyrocketing, but of course that link was refuted in a court of law; and still, many doctors (not doctors who are very liked by billion dollar pharmaceutical companies) are seeing a link between the two.  Preservatives in vaccines usually contain heavy metals.  They are designed for a healthy child with an outstanding immune system who can handle the toxins and get rid of them efficiently.  The problem lies with the children, for whatever reason (genetic disposition, chronic illness, etc), that cannot metabolize these toxins, and have heavy metals build up in their system.  The body simply cannot handle it, hence mercury poisoning when you overindulge in tuna-it's a real thing!  An overload of these toxins can *possibly* lead to lifelong brain injuries, from Autism to ADHD, not to mention allergies, chronic ear infections, etc... Autistic children have been shown again and again to have an overload of heavy metals in their systems.

OK, so why not test each child individually (I've even heard that there is a urine test that can determine how good the gut flora is in each child-which keeps immunity healthy)??  Well, one word:  MONEY honey, and the sad fact that large companies don't have our health or interests in mind all the time.  Look at the recent toxic findings in Johnson & Johnson bath care-they don't care about our children's health if they continue to mass produce their products in the same manor with this knowledge.  That makes them in a close second to tobacco companies in my book.
On the flip side, infectious diseases are a very real thing as well.  Thanks to life-saving vaccines, our country has VERY little of the diseases that were once so prevalent and deadly.  It is true that many diseases have nearly disappeared due to vaccines that other countries aren't fortunate enough to have.  However, the diseases are still in other parts of the world, are sometimes brought here, and there are unvaccinated children who  have the chance of contracting these diseases if they're in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Furthermore, most doctors tell you that vaccines today contain less aluminum or other metal than what is found in a serving of breast milk.
So, the question begs:  Do I want to put my child at risk for possible vaccine injuries that may last a lifetime or do I want to put my child at risk of a disease that could either last a short while (Chicken Pox-even though you risk pneumonia) or kill them (Polio)?  Which risk is greater?  Fun times for mommies, eh?!
Another difficult issue to swallow with current vaccines is the AMOUNT of vaccines that are suggested per visit for our tiny babies.  This brings me to my black/white issue-I know many mommies that have had success following SAFER guidelines (in their opinion) than what is suggested.  For example, they spread the vaccines out with an alternative schedule and may get single shots rather than combo shots.  This does a couple of things:  It gives our babies less preservatives at a time (however sometimes more in the long run) and you'll know exactly which shot your child reacted to if in fact they have a bad reaction.  On the flip side, though, while some doctors support this; many other doctors argue that you are putting your babies at risk by not following the standard guidelines-built for when children are most at risk for the disease at hand.
Like I said, do your research, but don't go nuts worrying (well, you'll worry regardless, but going into something educated is a plus).  Traveling and certain lifestyles (daycare etc) obviously put you and your children more at risk than others for certain diseases.  Some babies are healthier than others and can handle vaccines better than others.  From what I've seen, yes, the MAJORITY of children I know get a standard schedule of vaccines are absolutely fine, but who really knows if any developmental delays in the future were caused by them or not??  That's the hardest part in all of this-the gray matter that just isn't clear, and the lack of funded REAL RESEARCH to show clear patterns.  I certainly have friends that will argue this, even teachers of Autistic children who listened to parents' firsthand encounters of watching vaccines injure their children (in their opinion).  
The bottom line is: You are a great parent for even questioning the topic, having safety concerns for your child (no matter what your stance), and doing your research-starting here!  (Of course I'm no MD-just a concerned mama-use the links for more efficient research!)  You are never wrong or at fault for making these impossible decisions.  If your child, God forbid, ever had a developmental issue or even minor reaction to a vaccine-IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT.  Of course we want to follow and trust in doctors, and for the most part, as long as you've found a doctor you trust and whose ideas you agree with, you should!  I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for you to have a good relationship with your doctor-for yourself AND your child.  You don't want to ever feel as though your line of questioning is "wrong" or feel ashamed for raising questions.  (For goodness sake I've had nurses tell me that Wendy's frosties were a smart daily snack option while pregnant and a PA urge me to give my son soy milk rather than whole-you can't always take their advice if it doesn't feel right).  The point of this blog post isn't to scare anyone or take a side, but to present all sides-it's really food for thought.  
Alright, I debated doing this, but since I put it all out there I may as well share what we opted for for my son and why.  I am not saying with 100% certainty that these were the right decisions, but what we decided at the time (ya know, the sleepless helpless parents we were!)  Due to my son being a preemie, we felt he was way too tiny to get a suggested vaccine at birth and not at risk for the disease it protected him from.  Once he gained some weight, and we started on our routine visits, we DID choose to follow the standard vaccine schedule and get him his shots for the first year, combo and all-thank goodness he did just beautifully without reactions, and I felt good about traveling with him without fearing he'd contract any scary diseases.  Of course, the more research I did, and with that dreaded MMR approaching around his first birthday (the one shot they don't offer separately, and the one with the controversial link to Autism), I decided to spread out his shots in his second year, getting no more than 2 at a time-only allowing one live vaccine at a time, and opting out of a few vaccines altogether-still unsure if we'll get the ones we bypassed in the future (I'm particularly weary of the newer vaccines' safety and seasonal vaccines' effectiveness).  I also have chosen since his first birthday to give him a daily infant probiotic powder in one of his milks/day to aide in a healthy gut flora and immunity for various reasons.

There's no turning back now, so I can't regret any decisions, I can just live and learn and thank God for his health-and plan for future babies;)  While I'm not a fan of bringing my child to a health department monthly to spread out his shots and separate the combos (ultimately resulting in more preservatives and more dreaded painful visits), I would definitely consider spreading them all out at the doctor's in the future from birth-I think the preemie status threw me for a loop.  I will say that we saw TWO trusted pediatricians during this time, both with slightly different stances and opinions on the issues, but both of who were fully supportive and informative as well-they truly helped us make these difficult decisions.  Never be afraid to ask questions (mine were ready to throw me out after an hour's worth:), and never be afraid to get a second opinion.
Well, that's my little story in a nutshell-as you can see, I don't judge either way, I just think it's very important to do our own research, and not be pressured into anything we're not comfortable with as parents.  Every child, family, and situation is different.  I hope that rather than present unclear worry, I've started a healthy and thoughtful future conversation between you, your partner, your pediatrician-whoever!  Stay Chic, Stay Healthy... and just breathe;)

Just Juice

**8/2/12 Update!  Happy to announce my now 21-month-old son and myself enjoy green juice and smoothies when we can without any trickery involved.  As long as it's sweetened with a touch of pear or apple and in a straw sippy cup (NOT his milk cup:), he chugs it like there's no tomorrow!  I add water too so he gets the extra hydration. **

In conjunction with my detox post, comes a juicing post!  No, not the Jersey Shore juicing, the healthful kind of course.  Juicing is AMAZING and loaded with health benefits for everyone-I wish I did it more often.  Since we don't keep our juicer on the counter, it's easy to forget about it, but when I DO make it a priority, it feels wonderful and inspires me to take advantage of the many benefits and follow-up by eating light, drinking lots of water, and exercising more-the energy I feel after a cup of fresh veggie juice (sweetened by a touch of fruit) is like having a cup of coffee-I kid you not.  My brain is clearer and I get this crazy "high" burst of energy for a good while afterwards.

Do we all have an expensive juicer at home ready to go?  Well, no, probably not.  We were lucky to get ours as a gift, and are loving it, but there are definitely a range of low-priced options out there.  I'd say ours is a middle-of-the-road model, but here's a list of top rated juicers.  If you're not sold on the idea at first, many health stores have a juice bar where you can try some fresh juice combo of your liking.  I love, love, love having greens in mine, and you'd be amazed at how much carrot juice can sweeten it as well.  I usually throw in a cucumber, celery, and half a pear or apple in addition to a few carrots and choice of dark leafy greens.  It's kind of my go-to recipe, but there are so many recipes out there to try, and specific health benefits for each.  Drink spinach, REALLY??  Yes, really!  While you only get a small amount of juice from each handful you throw in the juicer, you are getting super phytochemicals that are known to prevent cancer due to the higher absorption into your body when in juice form.  They have actually been shown to stop carcinogens from forming in the body, which is quite mind-blowing, and makes a raw diet pretty appealing.  You'll be getting fresh vitamins that far exceed a multi-vitamin supplement, energy, and a great boost to the immune system.  The one thing you won't get from this is daily needed fiber (unless you use the discarded pulp in other recipes-great idea, by the way), so of course this can't replace your daily fruit and veggie intake, but it provides so many benefits that it's a wonderful addition to anyone's diet.  

As you can see from the picture, I DID make some juice for my 15-month-old son... why not???  Why would I choose to make the healthiest possible beverage for my husband and myself, but not give a little to the baby?  I'm not talking about putting Kai on a juice fast, but rather give him a health boost he wouldn't otherwise get from anything else.  We don't give him bottled juice, so I thought I'd try some veggie juice sweetened with pear.  I will say that he immediately recognized the green color in his usual milk sippy cup, and his expression read, "Really, Mom?  Green milk?"  So, he carried that cup around the house faithfully, taking a sip here and there, looked at the green stuff, looked at me, and continued that pattern the rest of the day:)  Not wanting to waste the juice, I ended up adding it to his pureed foods and smoothies I was already making for him-stir it in or puree right along with the goodness-it sweetened his meal and he didn't notice the veggie taste one bit-success!  It's a work in progress.  I think I may try to put some in his water cup with a straw and cut it with some water, rather than replace his milk with it-sweet water sounds better than green milk!  Read these tips on juicing for kids.  Some more extreme nutritionists that aren't big fans of milk for kids will recommend juicing for the calcium needs over milk.  Of course, you'd need to provide the fat as well from suggested foods such as avocado, etc... but we haven't gone down that road due to him taking well to whole milk, and having a very healthy diet already.

Happy juicing and be sure to sound off with any questions or tips of your own!  Trust me, you will feel GREAT... Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Be Still My Heart... Blueberry Oat Pancakes

As you may have guessed, pancakes aren't a huge staple in our household, or something we eat while out (mmmm  I remember those Perkins' pancakes days well!), but on special occasions, a few pancakes made healthfully are A-OK in my book!  I was itching to use this organic maple syrup my aunt from Vermont had given us for Christmas, so I recently made a heart-shaped version of the recipe below for my little valentine:)  Thanks to my sister-in-law for this very delicious recipe!

Ingredients: (to serve 2 1/2 people nicely:)
  • 1c old-fashioned rolled oats
  • 1c blueberries, (or bananas, a few dark chocolate pieces, or all mentioned!)
  • ½c plain Greek yogurt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • cooking spray or oil of your choice

  1. Combine oats, yogurt, eggs, and vanilla in a blender or food processor (or Beaba Babycook!)
  2. Process until smooth
  3. Fold in blueberries (or other options)
  4. Heat skillet or griddle over medium heat, coat with cooking spray or oil (I used a griddle at about 300)
  5. Spoon batter into pan or use 1/2c measuring cup
  6. Cook for 3-5 minutes or until tops are covered with bubbles and edges look cooked 
  7. Turn pancakes over and cook until golden brown
  8. Serve with organic butter and maple syrup (USE VERY SPARINGLY-ASTRONOMICAL CARB/SUGAR CONTENT) 

You will notice a slightly tangy taste due to the plain yogurt; vanilla flavored Greek yo would definitely sweeten it, but remember, that also adds to the carb/sugar content.  You can mix it up by adding protein powder instead of vanilla extract. Another good health option is to add chia seed or wheat germ! 

If you want to add the heart-shaped spin on this, use metal cookie cutters right on the griddle to shape OR if you have plastic ones, just cut out shapes once cooked (save the scraps for later!).

Happy Hearty Heart Day, Lovebugs, and enjoy!!!  Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;) <3 XO

Friday, February 3, 2012

Three Tidbits

1. Green Tea can cut your flu risk by 50%-especially in children, due to its antiviral components that prevent flu infection.  No, I don't expect my 15-month-old son to sit down with me for tea time, but what a great additive to throw in his food for the healthful properties (decaf of course!!!), especially since we opted out of the flu vaccine this year.  I suggest steeping 1-3 bags 1-3x daily (or as you remember or make some for yourself), let cool, and store in fridge to add to any pureed food-especially smoothies!  The taste should be disguised and the antioxidants alone are enough reason to think about this-particularly during sick season.

2. Eggs and Milk are major stress reducers due to the protein and carbs in milk, and the choline in eggs.  Carbs are tricky because while they are known as serotonin boosters, too many can make you sluggish and crave more, which defeats the purpose (more on serotonin in future posts).  A glass of warm milk will relax you, and has a nice balance of protein to break down any carbs.  The calcium in milk helps convert tryptophan to serotonin as well!  Egg yolks contain choline, which is a B vitamin that promotes healthy brain cells.  A better functioning brain actually equals less stress.  I always advocate cage-free organic eggs as a staple in your diet for the protein and omega-3s, for both adults and children-now we have one more reason!

3. Olive Oil vs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil-Regular OO is better for high heat pan cooking, as it has a higher smoke point of 460 degrees (once an oil starts to smoke it releases dangerous carcinogens), however EVOO is better for low-heat cooking, baking, and dressings/marinades that require no heat due to it having a lower smoke point below 400 degrees.  More on safe cooking in future posts as well!  The good news is that both are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, and have many other extraordinary health benefits.  EVOO is more ideal due to it being less processed, and I always advocate organic oils to avoid the heavy pesticides contained in conventional oils.  Of course, this is a fat, albeit a healthy fat, but still best used in moderation.  I also sneak some healthy oils into my son's meals.

As always, thanks so much for reading-food for thought is always a good thing in my mind (no pun intended).  Don't worry, be healthy!  And of course, Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Super Food for a Super Bowl

Not being a huge football fan myself (although the Giants playing is a perk for a Jersey girl whose dad loves 'em), I have one thing in mind when the Super Bowl arrives each year:  FOOD (and what horrors the halftime show will bring).  Such a great day for rich dips and crunchy goodies, whether we attend a party or just stay in.  Problem is, do you really want to waste a day of health and load on the carbs and sugars with greasy chips and goalpost cupcakes??  You know you'll regret it!  Monday will come and you'll feel S.I.C.K.  However, we still need to indulge a LITTLE, and there are just a few healthful tips  in doing so, as well as some great super snack ideas out there-make them yourself so you know exactly what you're eating-the less processed the better.  Click on the links for recipes!

Sweet Potato Chips-As mentioned in my Snack post, I was extremely excited to find a healthy hearty recipe for these!  We all crave crunchy carbs, especially during fun little occasions like these, but greasy chips out of the bag are no good... sweet potatoes don't spike the blood sugar in the same way as white potatoes do since they are lower on the glycemic index, and they have major vitamin A benefits! Go on and impress company with this homemade treat-serve it up with a side of Cinnamon Yogurt Dip (simply Greek Yo, tsp cinn, tsp vanilla, little stevia if you wish)-YUM!

Zucchini Fries-Chips AND Fries-woohoo!  Well, in making this treat you'll get another salty, crunchy snack while getting some greens in!  Zucchini has wonderful health benefits.  Serve it up with a side of organic ranch (NO ONE is takin' my ranch away;)!

Buffalo Chicken Dip-Wait, did you read that correctly??  That sounds horrible for you!  Dips are truly one of my favorite indulgences, especially ones packed with protein like this one.  Yes, it's going to be high in fat and calories, but it's how much you eat of it and WHAT YOU EAT IT WITH that makes all the difference.  Do you need a bag of Tostitos for this??  Nope!  You can enjoy this awesomeness with celery alone and still feel extremely satisfied-use leftovers over lettuce for an amazing salad.  It's so easy to make, and you can go all organic for an even healthier dip.

Spinach Artichoke Dip-Again, another fabulous rich way to satisfy yourself-plus added veggies!  If it's too much for you, you can cut the mayo with some plain Greek yo.  Eat with veggies or some low carb organic crackers.

Guacamole-My FAVORITE!!!  Such a healthful way to please everyone-without pairing it with nachos, that is;)  Eat with veggies-carrots are my fave.  Love, love, love cilantro, and this herb's benefits are outstanding so load up!

Cilantro Chicken Sliders-Use my recipe to create a mini version of something that's sure to please a crowd, or use turkey instead!  Leave small "healthier" buns available for guests, but also leave near a salad so that they can create their own if they want to opt out of bread.

Organic Chicken Wings & Drumettes-If you can find these little wonders, they're perfect for nights like these!  I cook at 425 for 45 mins after rolling in a little butter (or coconut oil) then a healthy flour of your choice.  Add some natural hot sauce after, along with sides of ranch or bleu and celery sticks.  Another great option if you don't go for the dip!

Don't forget about good ol' Football Sunday Chili!

Thanks to a great supporter for this post idea!!  Now GO GIANTS (or Tom Brady, a girl just can't decide!)-Stay Chic, Stay Healthy, little cheerleaders;)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Snack Attack

Be honest-did you think of Zack Attack upon reading that title???  Fine, don't admit your longing for "Saved By the Bell" days (their band was awesome, but a little creepy with those dubbed in grown-up voices).  ANYWAY, talk about side notes!  Ok, this blog is about one of my favorite things on Earth, and happens to be my favorite word my 15-month-old son says these days: "SNACK"! (or "nack-sssss":)

Most of us have a love-hate relationship with snacks, and I bet we all view snacks in much, much different ways.  Those of you that are extremely diligent about your health may relate to those darn 0% body fat celebs who eat a handful of nuts and a few celery sticks as their snack (and gloat about it in Us Weekly-thanks a bunch).  Or, those of you that have a hard time with will-power may view snacks as the DEVIL himself-now pass those chips, please!

I like to think of myself as a middle-of-the road gal when it comes to snacks.  Do I care about my health?  Tremendously.  Do I have will-power?  Heck no!  I've stated before that this is why I can't keep unhealthful snacks in the house, and even if I buy some for company, it better be gone when they leave or I'll make sure it is in my belly within the next 24 hours just to clear it out of the house!  Completely ridiculous, I know, but it's the awful truth!

Luckily, with more healthful eating comes less cravings, so that definitely works in my favor.  I usually only crave any carbs after eating carbs-so the key for me is to stay away from the "snacky stuff", but this in no way means that you can't have snacks.  I believe that snacks are crucial for staying on a healthful track.  In fact, with my blood sugar scares, I ate more snacks than actual meals to keep it under control-it's the healthiest way to eat:  small meals to me are just like snacking, you just need to make the right choices.  Snacks keep your energy up, help pre and post-workout, and keeps that metabolism high!

Here are some snack ideas I've gained from YOU, my own experience, and research!  These ideas are healthful and wholesome-some you can eat at home, some you can take on the go.  I'm not going to tell you to grab a South Beach cookie because it's processed and not healthful in the least (I don't think anything like those are amazing finds, I think they're actually awful for us)-keep health in mind, not just calories.  Sound off with more ideas and enjoy!

  • Smoothies (the sky's the limit-add protein for a fuller meal)
  • Plain Greek Yogurt, as mentioned here (add fruit or throw it in your smoothie; recently suggested was adding cold steamed apples, stevia, cinnamon-yum!)
  • Low Glycemic Fruit (cherries, plums, grapefruit, peaches)
  • Bananas (more carbs, but also more protein and more satisfying after a workout)
  • Hard-boiled Eggs
  • Apples with Peanut Butter 
  • Celery and Cream Cheese
  • Sweet Potato Chips (in moderation if needing that crunchy goodness)
  • Kale Chips
  • Nibble of Dark Chocolate
  • Nuts (or better yet make a trail mix with a few dark chocolate pieces)
  • Carrots & Ranch 
  • Applesauce
  • Cheese (hold the crackers;)
  • Baby Puffs (organic greens variety are the best!)
  • Baby Fruit/Veggie Pouches
  • Cucumber, Tomato, Mozz, Basil Salad (add some olive oil and balsamic)
  • Spelt Bread (for you runners)
  • Cup of Bone Broth-with or without the chicken & veggies

I love to pair any of the above with sparkling water-hydrating AND tricks your tummy into feeling full!  Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)

Dirty Little Secret

I have a secret... sssshhhhh... I just had some...

DARK CHOCOLATE!  Albeit, it was 85% dark cocoa and organic, but man did that melt in my mouth! It's funny that when you start to cut most grains, sugars, and sweets out of your diet how much your taste buds change.  I can no longer have a store-bought fruit juice, cupcake, or even certain fruits in large amounts-your taste buds and cravings truly change (thank goodness!).  BUT, am I going to tell you that there are never occasions when I crave a little sweet something after certain meals or during celebrations?? Nah, that'd be a lie-it happens-but luckily, if you eat the correct kind, a bit of dark chocolate can healthfully satisfy that need!  Did I mention the health benefits??  It's an antioxidant powerhouse, good for heart health, and unlike so many sweets it is low on the glycemic index and doesn't spike your blood sugar in the same way-and that's just naming a few.  This is crucial info to aide in some guilt-free self-indulgence; not only is it "not that bad for you", but it actually can help your health in certain ways-always something to feel good about!

Having said this, can we have a stash of large bars and Willy Wonka ourselves nightly??  NO, as with everything, moderation is key.  Check the carbs on the back:  for example, a serving size of the bar I have here is 15g carbs/12 squares-so, depending on how much I've worked out and how many carbs I've consumed, I'll have a little more or less based on how my day is going.  Hormonal?  Have a few squares! Even better, pair it with a spoonful of (sugar free) peanut butter-that protein punch will fill you AND help break down any carbs/sugars you consume.  Wash it down with a little milk of your choice and be satisfied!  Melt it for a loved one this Valentine's Day and have some fruit fondue!

Back to the percentage aspect:  as mentioned, mine happens to be 85% cocoa.  You may need to ease yourself into this high of percentage, as the higher it is the less sweet it will taste, but I'm telling you-it's amazing.  The higher percentage, the more health benefits and less sugar you'll be consuming.

Go treat yourself if needed-you know we deserve it! I won't tell... Stay Chic, Stay Healthy;)